Okay, I wasn't certain exactly where to post this as little side bars have been going on in different threads about my southern expressions and if people from the Southern U.S. are thought of as less intelligent than others... blah, blah, blah.
Well, as I suspected, my mom did have most of "A DICTIONARY OF THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH, NORTH CAROLINA" that was published in Raleigh, N.C. by the Travel and Tourism Division, Dept. of Commerce, [between 1978 and 1988]
I have uploaded a PDF copy that she had (not the actual book, just a redacted version).
So, if you want to learn how to properly speak if you are ever in the south...examples:
Learn (teach): You have to learn a child how to read.
A fixin (preparing): I was a fixin to come to your home.
Deah (pronounced de-ah): Dear, Oh deah me, I just don’t know what’s going to happen
Recken (believe): I recken we’ll go to town on Saturday
Then take a look "Rat cheer (right here)" and download the file QueensEnglish redacted.pdf ya'll !!![]()