В отличие от эсперанто, который нужно учить несколько месяцев, новый международный язык учить вообще не нужно!
Подробности - здесь:
В отличие от эсперанто, который нужно учить несколько месяцев, новый международный язык учить вообще не нужно!
Подробности - здесь:
Это полный бред или ацкий прикол. Однако, судя по специализации форума, нужно склоняться ко второму.
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
( modern constructed slavic language )
BAZE GRAMATIKA - basic grammar
(26 literi – 26 letters)
a, b, c, c‘, d, e, f, g, h, h‘, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, s‘, t, u, v, z, z‘
S-lingva English ( pronunciation )
c' - ch ( cheese )
s' - sh ( ash )
z' - zh ( pleasure, garage )
h' - kh (Kazakhstan, Mikhail)
dz' - j / g ( Jersey, gesture )
Slovosledenie es volne.
Kien fonem es spojite so en litera a kien litera reprezentit en fonem.
Ak vi slis’it slovo vi moz’et toi skribit a ked vi toi vidit vi moz’et toi gvorit.
Tam ne egzistit neki stres na slog
Word order is free.
The spelling is a cinch: every phoneme matches one letter, and every letter matches one phoneme.
If you hear a word, you can spell it; if you see it, you can say it.
There is no stress on syllables.
Letters q, w, y, x, ch are used only in personal names and geographical names :
(Lydia,Sydney,Cyprus, Felix, Egypt, Willson, New York, Quito, Mexiko,Chemnitz, Londin,
Paris, Beograd, Moskva, Praha, Roma, Wars'awa, Kahira, Kipros
Vele Britania (Great Britain), Anglia (England), Bavaria(Bavaria), Viena (Viena)
Spelling in foreign words : olimpiada, fizika, dinamika, simbol, bicikel
Singular of nouns is in natural form :
sport, otec (father), mama, dieva (girl), junak (boy), deta (child), teta (aunt), zem (earth, soil), reka (river), mesto (place)
more (sea), ezero (lake), planeta, kosmos, galaksia, veda (science), radio, komputer, ekipaz' (crew), gord (fortress)
vokabular (vocabulary), denar (money), dom (house), mur (wall), osada (village), grod (town), stat (state) luc‘ (light)
Plural is done by suffix : - i
luc‘ – luc‘i, otec - oteci, brat - brati, komputer - komputeri, sport - sporti, aeroplan - aeroplani, aviator – aviatori,
ekipaz' - ekipaz'i, mesec - meseci, den - deni, tiden - tideni, noc - noci, rok - roki, den - deni, put - puti, denar – denari
Nouns ended in wovel :
nome - nomi, mama - mami, auto - auti, krilo - krili, herba - herbi,
larva - larvi kamera - kameri, posta - posti, funga - fungi, raketa - raketi, triska - triski
planeta - planeti, litera - literi, prognoza - prognozi, industria – industrii, variacia - variacii
Nouns ended in difthongs : -ia, -io, -eo :
instrukcia - instrukcii, bakteria - bakterii, tragedia - tragedii, televizia - televizii, radio - radii,
evolucia - evolucii, distancia - distancii, galaksia - galaksii, video – videi
Nouns of living things with gender : ten, ta
NOUNS OF MALE GENDER - before noun is : ten
ten muz', ten kon, ten pes, ten orol, ten krokodil, ten lev, ten slon, ten delfin,
ten direktor, ten s'ofer, ten europan, ten robotar, ten traktorist
NOUNS OF FEMALE GENDER- before noun : ta / - a
ta germanian(a) - german woman, ta anglian(a) - english woman, ta slovakian(a) - slovak woman,
ta europan(a) - european woman, ta s'ofer(a) - she driver, ta kosmonaut(a) - she astronaut
ta direktor(a) - she director, ta robotar(a) - she worker, ta vedar(a) / ta siencist(a) - she scientist
ta orol - she eagle, ta slon - she elephant, ta lev - she lion, ta kot - cat, ta delfin - she dolphin
· Ending –a can be added as a suffix to the noun of female gender of living person e.g.
s’ofera, europana, kosmonauta, vedara whereby ta doesn’t have to be used before the noun.
to lev(lion), to medved(bear), to kot(cat/tom cat), to hus(goos,drake), to delfin(dolphin), to tur (cow, bull)
to dub(oak), to javor(maple), to lipa(lime), to breza(birch), to motil(butterfly), to riba(fish), to pteric(bird),
to zover(animal), to savec(mamal), to insekt(insect), to mis‘(mouse)
to komputer, to stol(table), to strom(tree), to olej(oil), to stolica(chair), to hrnec(pot), to dom(house), to ulica(street),
to autobus(bus), to list(leaf), to zem(soil,earth), to mas'ina(machine,engine), to olem(oil),
Cubs are created by : june e.g. june kon - foal, june kot - kitten, june kura - chicken, june lev - lion cub
ADJEKTIVI - Adjectives
Finala - ending : e
pekne - pretty, dobre - good, rih'le - quick, interesante - interesting, slabe - weak, mocne - powerful, terme - warm
astere noc - starry night, terme diferencia - warm difference, polare - polar, pale – combustible, mizerne - bad
Globe gravitacia - Earth gravitation, Lune luc‘ - moon shine, dene tiket - daily ticket, komputere igra-computer game,
televizie program - television programme, Severe Polare Cirk - North Polar Circus, nove - new, Nova - new created star
Nouns ending in - e remain unchanged (more breg - sea coast)
ADVERBI - Adverbs
Finala - ending : o
dobro - well, pekno - nice, pomalo - slowly, stalo - still, rih'lo - qwickly, nahlo - suddenly, malo - little, few,
termo - warmly, mezo - middle, between, among
Nouns ending in - o remain unchanged : radio transmite - radio transmitted, racio narobite - rationally done
termo odevite - warmly dressed
Kreatenie adverbiov zo verbi – Creating adverbs from verbs
Adding - o to infinitive of verb :
skribit / skribito (to write / in writing) , sunit / sunito (to sunbathe / sunny), videt / videto (to see / visibly)
Gradacia ov adjektivi a adverbi - Graduation of adjectives and adverbs :
vic - more, -er
nai - most, -est
vic pomalo(slower) / nai pomalo(slowest), vic pekno(nicer) / nai pekno(nicest),
vic dobre(better) / nai dobre(best), vic malo(less/lesser) / nai malo(the least)
Tie es vic rih'le kao ten - They are quicker then he.
Ta il nai pomale zo vse - She was the slowest of all.
PREPOZICII - Prepositions
pri - at, na - on, vo – in (inside), od - from, do - into, cez - over, pod - under, nad - above, so - with, s - by means of,
zo - from inside out, po - after, pred - before / in front of, za - behind, mezo - between, among, middle, o - about/at,
via – through, by means of, ku – to (direction)
o pette c'as - at five o'clock
o pet c'asi - in five hours
Junak idet do les - A boy is going into a forest
Junak idet ku les - A boy is going to a forest
Junak es vo les - A boy is in a forest
Skolar idet do skola – A pupil goes into a school
Skolar es vo skola – A pupil is in a school
Skolar idet zo skola – A pupil goes from a school
Skolar idet ku skola – A pupil goes to / towards a school
KONJUNKCII - Conjuctions
a, i (and), tez'(also, too, as well)
VERBI - Verbs
Infinitive of verb - ending : - t
sportit - to sport, grat - to play, idit - to go, gvarit - to speak, spat - to sleep, vedet - to know, kalkulit - to count videt - to see
luc’it - to shine, publikit - to publish, audit - to listen/to hear skopit - to scope, observit - to watch, medikit - to heal
Creating the verbs from nouns is unlimited (sarkazmus - sarkazit, litera - literit, fonia - fonit, skopenie - skopit,
skribenie – skribit, observenie - observit, maenie - mat, laborenie - laborit, skienie - skit, komputenie - komputit,
agrenie - agrit, medikenie – medikit, luc‘ – luc’it, vera – verit,
- preterite c'as - past tense : - l
- prezente c'as - present tense : - t (infinitive)
- future c'as - future tense : - m
Mi gvarit - We speak / talk / say
Mi gvaril - We spoke / talked / said
Mi gvarim - We will speak / talk / say
Creating of verbs from nouns is unlimited e.g. sarkazmus - sarkazit (sarcasm - to sarcas),
literar – literit (a writer - to write), fonia – fonit (phono - to phono) etc.
Konjugacia verbov - Conjugation of verb bit - to be
Preterite c'as - Past Tense :
ja il - I was mi il - we were
ti il - you were vi il - you were
ten il - he was tie il - they are
ta il - she was
to il - it was
Prezente c'as - Present Tense :
ja es - I am mi es - we are
ti es - you are vi es - you are
ten es - he is tie es - they are
ta es - she is
to es - is is
Future c'as - Future Tense :
ja em - I shall / will mi em - we shall / will
ti em - you will vi em - you will
ten em - he will tie em - they will
ta em - she will
to em - it will
KONDICIONALE FORMA - Conditional : bi
ja bi muset - I would have to
ja bi trebit - I would need to (duty)
ja bi smiet - I would be allowed to
ja bi mogut - I would be able to
KONDICIONALE FORMA PRETERITA - Past Conditional : bi + - l
ja bi musel - I would have had to
ja bi trebil - I would have needed to (duty)
ja bi smiel - I would have been allowed to
ja bi mog'il - I would have been able to
imat - to have(posses), trebit - to be to (duty), h'cet - to want
moz‘et - can, smiet - may, muset - must,
ja imat - I have
ja imal - I had
ja imam - I will have
ja bi imat - I would have
ja bi imal - I would have had
ja trebit - I am to / need to
ja trebil - I was to / needed to
ja trebim - I will need to
ja bi trebit - I would need to
ja bi trebil - I would have needed to
ja h'cet - I want
ja h'cel - I wanted
ja h'cem - I will want
ja bi h'cet - I would want
ja bi h'cel - I would have wanted
ja moz‘et - I can
ja moz‘el - I could[was able]
ja moz‘em - I will be able
ja bi moz‘et - I would be able
ja bi moz‘el - I would have been able
ja smiet - I may
ja smiel - I might
ja smiem - I will be allowed to
ja bi smiet - I would be allowed to
ja bi smiel - I would have been allowed to
ja muset - I must
ja musel - I had to
ja musem - I will have to
ja bi muset - I would have to
ja bi musel - I would have had to
KVESTIA - question
Robit ti ? - Do you work / Are you working ?
Robil ti ? - Did you work / Were you working ?
Robem ti ? - Will you work / Will you be working ?
NEGACIA - negation ne
ja ne robit - I do not do/work
ja ne robil - I did not do/work
ja ne robem - I will not do/work
PASIVE ROD VERBOV - Pasive Voice of Verb :
Infinitive + suffix - e
Libro es skribite s moi priatel - A book is written by my friend
Libro il skribite s moi priatel - A book was written by my friend
Libro em skribite s moi priatel - A book will be written by my friend
PERFEKTE FORMA VERBOV - Perfect active voice of verb : na -
na + infinitive (naskribit, narobit, naedukit, naplanit, navarit, naplantit)
na + - l ( e.g. Ja naskribil to - I have written it )
na + - m (e.g. Ja narobim to do sutra - I will have done it by tomorrow)
Tie bi narobil to, ak bil tam - They would have done it if they had been there
(bi + il = bil)
Tie naskribim to - They will have written it
Tie naskribil to - They have written it
PERFEKTE PASIVE FORMA VERBOV - perfect passive voice of verb na .... te
Libro es naskribite s moi priatel - A book has been written by my friend
Libro es ne naskribite s moi priatel - A book has not been written by my friend
Libro il naskribite s moi priatel - A book had been written by my friend
Libro il ne naskribite s moi priatel - A book had not been written by my friend
Libro em naskribite s moi priatel - A book will have been written by my friend
Libro em ne naskribite s moi priatel - A book will not have been written by my friend
MENENIE STATUSOV - changing of status : pre
vic prevelit - to get bigger vic premalit - to get smaller
vic prevelij - get bigger ! vic premalij - get smaller ! (imperativ)
pretmavit - to get dark pretmavite - darken
presvitit - to get enlighten presvitite - enlighten
prestaret - to grow old prestarete - grown old
prekamenit - to turn to stone prekamenite - turned to stone
OPOZIT - oposite of activity : roz
vazat / rozvazat - to tie / to untie
kluc'it / rozkluc'it - to lock / to unlock
budovat / rozbudovat - to build / to demolish
KREATENIE SUBSTANTIVIOV ZO VERBI - Making nouns from verbs :
without vowel + t ending and adding - enie , plural – eni
robit - robenie(to do/work - doing/working), skribit - skribenie(to write-writing), numerit - numerenie(to count-counting),
dat - daenie(to give - giving), agrit - agrenie(to crop - cropping), laborit - laborenie(to labour - labouring)
daeni, robeni, skribeni, numereni, agreni, laboreni
* one syllable words are created by omiting just last -t ending : dat - daenie -daeni, spat - spaenie - spaeni
CIVIL NACIONOV - Citizen of nation : an / ani (pl.)
German(i), Italian(i), Rusian(i), Amerikan(i), C'eh'ian(i), Slovakian(i), Polakian(i), Hungarian(i), Spanian(i),
Francian(i), S'vedian(i), Ukrainan(i),Europan(i), Japonian(i), Arabian(i), Afrikan(i), Australian(i),Eskiman(i)
ameroindian(i), judean(i), cigan(i)
LINGVA - language - ending : - o
germanio - german, rusio - russian, slovakio - slovak, c'eh'io - czech, anglio - english, belorusio - belarussian
polakio - polish, slovenio - slovenian, ukraino - ukrainian, latvio - latvian, litvio - lithuanian, estonio - estonian,
japonio, arabio, francio, italio, spanio, holandio, serbio, h'rvatio, macedonio, bulgario, esperanto, slovio, ido,
slovano, kelto, hebreio, koptio, staroegypto, kec'uano, maio, azteko, arabio, c'ino, basko, katalanio, afrikano,
but : interlingva, slavisk, proslava, slovianski, slezan, volapuk, occidental, novial, latina, glosa, dunia
germane lingvi - germanic languages, romane lingvi - romance languages, slovane lingvi - slavic languages
rusie lingva - russian language, slovakie lingva - slovak language, anglie lingva - english language
or : lingva germanio, lingva rusio, lingva slovakio, lingva anglio, lingva c’ino, lingva polakio
PARTICIP - c (ending -t is replaced by – c)
Videc z'e to dez'il ten beril parazol - Seeing it
dar(gift), agrit(to cultivate), skribit(to write), sedet(to sit), stat(to stand), videt(to see), audit(to hear), vehikular(vehicle)
navigat(to navigate), nihilovat(to destroy), mortit(to kill), lektit(to read), diferit(to distinguish), duplikit (to double), sedet (to sit)
laborit(to work), kredit(to believe) kos'ela(shirt), s'kola(school), kapusta(cabbage), z'iak(pupil), ceruza(pencil),striga(witch)
palac(palace), verbala(verbal), morta(dead), militanta(army), magnifikanta(magnificant),maksimala(the biggest, greatest),
optimala (optimal), mur(wall), inicia(beginning), astra(star), tera(earth), luna(moon), templar(monk), birokracia(burocracy),
dukcia (duction), femina(femine), egzitus (death), fakt(fact), kineza(movement), liberta(freedom), mater (mother), lakto(milk),
legislativa(legislation),librum(book),kalamita(dis aster),korpus(body),artist(artist), metamorfoza(change),aerodinamika
urbare(urbal), dom(house), litera(letter), materia(matter), minorita(minority), medik / doktor(doctor), siencia(science),rosa (dew)
siencist(scientist), nacion(nation), procesia(procession), numero(number,digit), audiencia(hearing), meteorologia(meteorology)
episkopia, minimum,maksimum,magnum, geografia,anonim, liceum, polihistor,dializa,derma,liceum,dukcia,trigonometr ia
stabilita, disputa, debata, sprej, lodz'ia, kufor, deka, katastrofa, fajn, funkcia, mutacia, razante, pozicia,
tema,sh'ema,grafologia,vizia,distristribucia,fonia ,kataklizma,antibiotikum,enorme,higienika,hipoteti ka,
sekurita,armia, arest, rezultat, digital, senzor, c'ip, komputer, disk, disketa, totalita,globala,implicita,
printit(to print), printer(printer man), printera(printer), geroj(hero)
VOKABULAR (selekcia) - Vocabulary (digest)
ko - who c'o - what (thing)
kov - whose c'ov - of what
kom - whom c'om - to what
o kom - about whom o c'om - about what
s kom - with whom s c'om - with what
ke - where kor - which
kei - when (time) z'e - that
kie - what (person) abo - or
kao - how len - only
ak - if tez' - too, either, as well as
kim - while, meanwhile ebo - because, that
I suppose such languages have no future.
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