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Thread: hunt for the red october

  1. #1
    Почётный участник
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    hunt for the red october

    I might of posted this a while ago but I dont think that it had a problem with something any way here it goes!!!

    anyone know they lyrics for the main theme for The Hunt For The Red October.

    oh any a friend had a discussion oh how to say these names "Vladimir" and Lyudmilla" he says they are said differnt like Vladimir is pronounced (valeedmeer).

    all help is welcome

    PS it wont let my upload the mp3 i have

    hahaha here islink on the internet to you tube If it dont work search please for "red october" its by red army coir.

  2. #2
    Почётный участник
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    here they are well, kind of.

    Words and Music by Basil Poledouris
    Russian Translation by Herman Sinitzen

    Holodna hmooro.
    > Cold, hard, empty.
    Ee mruchno v doosheh
    >Light that has left me,
    Kak mohg znat' ya shtoh tee oomriosh?
    >How could I know that you would die?

    Do svidunia, bereg rodnoy
    >Farewell again, our dear land.
    Kak nam troodno predstahvit shtoh eto nyeh sohn.
    >So hard for us to imagine that it's real, and not a dream.
    Rodina, dom radnoy,
    >Motherland, native home,
    Do svidunia Rodina.
    >Farewell, our Motherland.

    I v pokhod, I v pokhod, nas volna morskaya zhdyot nyeh dazhdyotsyah.
    >Let's go; the sea is waiting for us.
    Nass zahvuot morskaya dah, ee preeboy!
    >The vastness of the sea is calling to us, and the tides!

    Salute otsam ee nashim dedum
    >Hail to our fathers and forefathers.
    Zavetum eekh vsegda vierney.
    >We are faithful to the covenant made with the past.
    Tepier' nichtoh, nee ostanoivit,
    >Now nothing can stop
    Pabiedney shag, radnoy straney.
    >Our Motherland's victorious march.

    Tiy pliyvee, pliyvee bestrashno,
    >Sail on fearlessly,
    Gordost' seviernykh marieye.
    >Pride of the Northern Seas.
    Revoluytziye nadezhdah sgoostok vieri fsekh luydeye.
    >Hope of the Revolution, you are the burst of faith of the people.

    the last two stanzas repeat a couple of times, then...

    V'oktyabreh, v'oktyabreh,
    > In October, in October,
    Raportuem miy nashi pobiediy.
    >We report our victories to you, our Revolution.
    V'oktyabreh, v'oktyabreh,
    Novie meeir dali num nashy dediy.
    >And to the heritage left by you for us.

    I thank all the views is this correctly translated and does anyone have the lyrics in cyrillic?

    and please can some one pronounce those two names-Im pretty sure on how to say them but my brother insists on telling me that I'm wrong lol

    lyudmilla is a friend I might plan on meeting in school and I dont want to get her name wrong

  3. #3
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    here they are well, kind of.

    Words and Music by Basil Poledouris
    Russian Translation by Herman Sinitzen

    Holodna hmooro.
    > Cold, hard, empty.
    Ee mruchno v doosheh
    >Light that has left me,
    Kak mohg znat' ya shtoh tee oomriosh?
    >How could I know that you would die?

    Do svidunia, bereg rodnoy
    >Farewell again, our dear land.
    Kak nam troodno predstahvit shtoh eto nyeh sohn.
    >So hard for us to imagine that it's real, and not a dream.
    Rodina, dom radnoy,
    >Motherland, native home,
    Do svidunia Rodina.
    >Farewell, our Motherland.

    I v pokhod, I v pokhod, nas volna morskaya zhdyot nyeh dazhdyotsyah.
    >Let's go; the sea is waiting for us.
    Nass zahvuot morskaya dah, ee preeboy!
    >The vastness of the sea is calling to us, and the tides!

    Salute otsam ee nashim dedum
    >Hail to our fathers and forefathers.
    Zavetum eekh vsegda vierney.
    >We are faithful to the covenant made with the past.
    Tepier' nichtoh, nee ostanoivit,
    >Now nothing can stop
    Pabiedney shag, radnoy straney.
    >Our Motherland's victorious march.

    Tiy pliyvee, pliyvee bestrashno,
    >Sail on fearlessly,
    Gordost' seviernykh marieye.
    >Pride of the Northern Seas.
    Revoluytziye nadezhdah sgoostok vieri fsekh luydeye.
    >Hope of the Revolution, you are the burst of faith of the people.

    the last two stanzas repeat a couple of times, then...

    V'oktyabreh, v'oktyabreh,
    > In October, in October,
    Raportuem miy nashi pobiediy.
    >We report our victories to you, our Revolution.
    V'oktyabreh, v'oktyabreh,
    Novie meeir dali num nashy dediy.
    >And to the heritage left by you for us.

    I thank all the views is this correctly translated and does anyone have the lyrics in cyrillic?

    and please can some one pronounce those two names-Im pretty sure on how to say them but my brother insists on telling me that I'm wrong lol

    lyudmilla is a friend I might plan on meeting in school and I dont want to get her name wrong
    The translation is decent. I'll get the Russian up here in a minute.

  4. #4
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Here's the Russian, as well as my proposals for a better translation for some stuff.

    Холодно, хмуро
    И мрачно в душе
    Как мог знать я, что ты умрёшь?

    It is cold, gloomy,
    And desolate in my soul
    How could I know that you would die?

    До свидания, берег родной
    Как нам трудно представить, что это не сон
    Родина, дом родной
    До свидания, родина

    Farewell, native shore
    How had it is for us to imagine that this isn't a dream
    Motherland, native home
    Farewell, motherland

    И в поход, и в поход, нас волна морская ждёт, не дождётся
    Нас зовут морская, да и прибой

    And to the march, to the march, the ocean wave is waiting, but it won't wait forever
    The maritime and serf call us

    Салют отцам и нашим дедам
    Заветом их всегда верны
    Теперь ничто не остановит
    Победный шаг родной страны

    A salute to our fathers and forefathers
    Ever faithful to their covenant
    Now nothing will stop
    The victorious step of the native country

    Ты плыви, плыви бесстрашно
    Гордость северных морей
    Революции надежда, сгусток веры всех людей

    Sail, sail fearlessly
    The pride of the northern seas
    The hope of the revolution, the spark of all people's faith

    В Октябре, в Октябре
    Рапортуем мы наши победы
    В Октябре, в Октябре
    Новый мир дали нам наши деды

    In October, in October
    We report our victories
    In October, in October
    Our forefathers gave us a new world

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