what is it?
i have a really hard time finding info on the web. it's like a mythical, historical region where for the first time, a real sense of ukrainian nationalism started. please, explain all that to me![]()
what is it?
i have a really hard time finding info on the web. it's like a mythical, historical region where for the first time, a real sense of ukrainian nationalism started. please, explain all that to me![]()
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ОРIАНА, ОРIЯНА – орiйка, орiянська жiнка.
ОР, ОРIЙ – дух весняного свiтла, теж саме що й Ярило;
орiець; землероб (орач);. Iм'я прабатька слов'ян-русiв
ОРIАН, ОРIОН, ОРIЯН - орiець, орiянський чоловiк.
Орiана – arable land. At present time some Ukrainian use this name as a name of etnire Ukraine. Орiана - the land of ОР, ОРIЙ, ЯРIЛО – forefather (God) of aicent East Slavs.
see also
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