Hola pu
Hola pu
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
Hola Pasha:
Yo soy de M
Perdoneme para usando el ingles, pero mi espanol no es muy bueno. Pero, entiendo casi todo de su conversacion. (Soy Americano, y estoy estudiando ruso con Pimsleur. Estoy ensenando a mi hija el espanol, aqui hay clases para ninos en las tardes, un dia de la semana. Quiero que mejorar a mi espanol, tambien, posible con Pimsleur tres?)
I read a linguistic study of the Spanish spoken in Spain, they showed a very interesting shading of the usage of certain words. As you approached the Portuguese border (especially from the North), the Spanish sounded more and more like Portuguese, many words had crept over. The people near the border would probably have no trouble with either langauge, and would probably also be intelligible in either.
Hello Aaa:
I really don
Bueno. . . .personalmente no entiendo gallego, pero puedo leerlo. Depende en la persona. El Vasco es el m
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
[quote=monichka]Hola Pasha:[b]
[quote]Yo soy de M
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
I would agree with you and disagree. I agree that, the accent in GalicAs you approached the Portuguese border (especially from the North), the Spanish sounded more and more like Portuguese, many words had crept over. The people near the border would probably have no trouble with either langauge, and would probably also be intelligible in either.
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
Tienes una vida verdaderamente interesante Pasha. Gracias por compartir. Debe ser bonito vivir en La Rioja, regi
Gracias monchika, dime
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
No No nO, no lo estudio pero en mi cole, hay unos chicos del pa
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
Ahora hay mucha inmigraci
Hola amiguita. A ver, s
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
I heard Portuguese for the first time a few days ago when some women were speaking at the place where I work. I was expecting it to sound similar to Spanish, but it sounded almost like a pidgin Polish accent. I was very surprised.
Yes portuguese has a very slav sounding accent don't you think?
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
NO, I DO NOT!!!!!!
Peor es nada, y nunca nadie hab
uno , lo siento por hablar ingl
* Y desde mi ventana
son m
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