Hi.I'm looking for native English-speaking penpal. I'm from Russia (Bryansk).
My name is Michael (Misha). I'am 26. I study English, but have not enough practic for some times. I'd like to have a pen-friend from an English-speaking country to improve my English and also I can help you in learning Russian. I understand English upscale but still cannot speak well. My interests is computing and digital, foto, web disign, time management. I'm fond of liturature (different genre).
My full name is Isaev Michael Alex (Isaev Mihail Alekseevich). I working ecologist.
My website: http://textory.ru/
My e-mail adress: isaev@bk.ru
ICQ 338459363
I surf the web quite often. I want to practice my English and can help you to study Russian.