Hi, my name is Brent and I am 14 years old. I can speak some Russian, but I am learning so I'm not anywhere near perfect. I like music, friends, travelling. So anyways, just respond if you want to become penpals!
Hi, my name is Brent and I am 14 years old. I can speak some Russian, but I am learning so I'm not anywhere near perfect. I like music, friends, travelling. So anyways, just respond if you want to become penpals!
Krist/17 I can read some and speak some...
I would like to help but, I dont know too much but about russian.
PS. do you know words like where/and/are/(words that combine sentances?)
if you want- write me (myaddress@narod.ru)
I'm native Russian
and if someone have quesions - please ask me - I would be happy to answer you
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