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Thread: English/Russian speaker needs practice in Russian

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
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    English/Russian speaker needs practice in Russian

    My name is George (Georgy) and I emigrated from Russia to the US in 1989. I speak fluent English and quite a bit of Russian, although my accent is bad. I also have some trouble reading Russian: I can read print OK but I never learned script. Basically my knowledge of Russian comes from living with my grandmother and mother for years. The side effect of this is that my vocabulary is limited to things you might say to your babushka when you are 10 years old. My exposure to Russian literature is limited to children's fables.

    I am currently a law student in the US and will be an attorney next year. I have two goals: First, and foremost, I would like to learn some more advanced Russian vocabulary so I can talk about business and legal topics with potential clients. I would also like to improve my accent. I don't think this will be hard since I had no accent when I was younger and lived at home. Second, I would like to learn to read print better and faster and maybe also pick up some script so I can write letters to my babushka.

    Let me know what your goals are for English and maybe we can help each other. I am fluent in advanced English, particularly in legal and business terminology. Among my interests are global politics, history, philosophy, auto racing, and firearms.

    I look forward to chatting with you all.

  2. #2
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    Nov 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by georgyg View Post
    My name is George (Georgy) and I emigrated from Russia to the US in 1989. I speak fluent English and quite a bit of Russian, although my accent is bad. I also have some trouble reading Russian: I can read print OK but I never learned script. Basically my knowledge of Russian comes from living with my grandmother and mother for years. The side effect of this is that my vocabulary is limited to things you might say to your babushka when you are 10 years old. My exposure to Russian literature is limited to children's fables.

    I am currently a law student in the US and will be an attorney next year. I have two goals: First, and foremost, I would like to learn some more advanced Russian vocabulary so I can talk about business and legal topics with potential clients. I would also like to improve my accent. I don't think this will be hard since I had no accent when I was younger and lived at home. Second, I would like to learn to read print better and faster and maybe also pick up some script so I can write letters to my babushka.

    Let me know what your goals are for English and maybe we can help each other. I am fluent in advanced English, particularly in legal and business terminology. Among my interests are global politics, history, philosophy, auto racing, and firearms.

    I look forward to chatting with you all.
    Hey! My name is Maksim! I'm native Russian! I would love to help you. My interests are music, physical exercises, learning lenguages, movies, PR.

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Russia, Moscow
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    Привет! Меня зовут Валерия. Я живу в Москве.Учусь в университете на государственном упралении Мои интересы: музыка, кино, дизайн, театр. Хочу лучше выучить английский и буду рада помочь тебе с русским.
    skype: yourvanillasky

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