Hej! Varsågod och hjälp mig att översätta denna sats:
Matens namn på fina restauranger står vanligen på franska.
I can't totally understand what is verb and what is subject here![]()
Hej! Varsågod och hjälp mig att översätta denna sats:
Matens namn på fina restauranger står vanligen på franska.
I can't totally understand what is verb and what is subject here![]()
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I'm gonna post my questions in this thread, because they appear pretty often as jag läser min lärbok![]()
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The foods name in beautiful resturants are usually written in french.
Matens namn på fina restauranger står vanligen på franska.
Or word by word translation:
The foods name in fine resturants stands usually in french.
This is a complicated sentence Agnetha, but I am impressed how fast you are learning!
A better translation into English:
At good restaurants, the name of the food is usually written in French
Matens namn = The name of the food
på fina restauranger = At fine/good restaurants
står vanligen på franska. = word by word: "Stands usually in French" = is usually written in French.
If I remember grammar correctly....... The subject would be "The name of the food" and the verb/predikat is "står" (stands) which in this context means "is written".
Check out the forum about Romanian, somebody posted there and needs help!
Tusen tack, Hanna! Ni är mycket snällAnd thank you for notifying me about new request, I will check it.
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What is the Participle II of the verb "GÖRA": gjord or gjoren?
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Gosh, I am not sure I know what Participle II means!
But the verb should be bent as follows:
Göra gjorde gjort
do did done
It is an irregular verb. Does this answer the question?
I'd recommend you to check the Swedish section on Uztranslations (a site for "free" language learning material). I am sure there are several Swedish grammar books.
You can find Swedish books from German, English or Russian, to Swedish
Uz-Translations : Swedish
I just wanted to make up a sentense with passiv, which demands participle II. It's a pity it doesn't coincide with the supin-form.
It was made - Det var ...?
Thanks for advising a good site![]()
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I got it!![]()
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