Sorry for posting in an old thread, but since this thread is for posting links to Polish learning websites, I thought it may be ok for me to post this.

The University of Pittsburg has a first year Polish online course. Normally people don't see this site, and I think the this is the best online course availible for free. (That I've seen.) You get 12 lessons, the audio doesn't work for some reason, but the movies do. The lessons are quite big; they are full of detail that beginners need to know. Each lesson is broken down into different sections. Each Section has a introduction conversation with translations, a grammar section and excersises.

I have been using this course for a few weeks now, and I understand just about everything in lesson 1, which is not small. The lessons don't cram too much information into my head at once, so I feel at ease learning Polish. The course has little in terms of pronounciation practice, so you might need to fine yet another site with audio to practice. I have the Transparent Language Polish course, which provides plently of audio for someone to practice.

The link to the site is: