This is not what you probably thought it was. In movie business, this word means the stage of sound post-production when actors "dub" their own voices. Nowadays, most film studios avoid using the "real-life" sound recorded while shooting the movie on the set, because it considered to be too "dirty" with the outside noise, background noise etc. So, after the shooting and cutting has been done, the actors listen to "live" recording of their voices and try to pronounce their lines with the same intonations, in the same tempo (to match the articulation) etc.

The 64-dollar question is: what is the English (US) term for this? Pretty please, I need it ASAP .

The person who tells me what they call it in Hollywood gets my warmest hug or heartiest handshake, depending on your personal preferences

(Lindsay, joysof, please no rotten tomatoes for the "gets") :P