Hello Dear Giulia

I was very glad, when I’ve know that your internet connection work in right way. Your pictures from Torino was terrific. I really did not know all that stuff about your political system.
In Russia we can vote straight after 18. Here is nor senate nor House of Commons have a place.
Our State Duma is a sort of senate, above State Duma is President (Mr. Putin). He is very popular in Russia. I can’t really imagine that president of Italy can say- “We’ll be kill terrorist anywhere even in WC”. Probably you know that Russia have some problem in Chechnya. There is much terrorist whose evil mind full of destructive thinks. Some time ago they blew up block house, where did lived 200 people, had captured theatre and captivated spectators and so on.
Very hard to be a Russian. Never mind it is a just joke. But Russian have a saying- «Every joke has part of true».
And I want to congratulate you with Easter.
By the way did paint the eggs in Italy? Сhocolate eggs is untraditional, that is way I want to present to you Village Recipe of colored eggs:
Take 200 gram onion’s peelings put them in saucepan and left it on the fire till boil then add eggs and wait till eggs is ready. After this procedure eggs acquire beautiful, lustrous, brown color. When I was young I wake up early in the morning take some eggs from a fridge in my pocket and take a stroll. Wherever and whoever I met I give the eggs and receive the same. Moreover we saying each other-“Christ is back to life” and take in answer “he is risen indeed”. (May be in English it sounds silly.) This is old Christian tradition. After this all family is gathered in the kitchen for festive supper. And only after 12 p.m. I use to go to church with all my friend. But Easter it is not such a celebrate that Russians commemorate “with gusto”.
But anyway HAPPY EASTER and “Christ is back to life”…

Really, you had built casa sull’albero?
In my childhood I had built so many homes on a tree that failed the count.
In Russian language it sounds like a “shtab”. And I even had a game, sort of spy one.
We used to hide our “shtab” far away in forest cause’ our opponent can find and broke it.
And we do the same. It was great!!! And also we have a sort of weapon – long pipe, which for shooting use small berry of rowan-tree. And when you blow into pipe, berry pop out with good speed. It can hurt body even for a blood. (Cruel game )
House of your Grandma is great, I can’t imagine that it was better some time ago…
Waiting for picture of old grandmother’s House with garden.

Your friend Ilia.