They all sound good to me, if you know what I mean. 8)Quote:
Originally Posted by basurero
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They all sound good to me, if you know what I mean. 8)Quote:
Originally Posted by basurero
BlackMage, there are children about!Quote:
Originally Posted by BlackMage
I'm not the one who wrote a half-dozen sentences about sex!Quote:
Originally Posted by TATY
It depends on the context of course, silly.
"I am having sex yesterday" doesn't work does it.
Each has its own use in the appropriate context, hence all these tenses existing.
I am having sex [right now] sounds best to me in the current context.
Do you have someone under your desk?Quote:
Originally Posted by basurero
Да, ее зовут Аркадий.Quote:
Originally Posted by TATY
?? :))Quote:
Originally Posted by basurero
"её" - не могут звать Аркадий :о)
Да я знаю, но это исключение из правила. :!: :oQuote:
Originally Posted by Dimitri
Your hints are getting closer every day!
And TATY tries to support it.
Originally Posted by basurero
Ааа... кто Аркадий?
Его пареньQuote:
Originally Posted by Seventh-Monkey
Нет, она моя кошка. :D
You are having sex with your cat?Quote:
Originally Posted by basurero
But imagine the situation when a man is walking down the street and the rain is already gone, but he hadn't and haven't an umbrella and because of it he got wet. Maybe, he can say to himself "I wouldn't have got wet if I had an umbrella with me" can't he? :?Quote:
Originally Posted by TATY
(really, I red in my grammar book that the sentense "I would have passed the test if I knew French well" is possible, and so that your restriction slightly embarrased me) :?
If the man is still walking down the street, it is logical he could say "if I had my umbrealla with me", because he is really saing "If I had my umbrella with me now"Quote:
Originally Posted by Chuvak
Your other example:
The thing is, knowing French well now, applies to it in the past as well.
Like if you knew French well at the exam, you will still know French well now (providing the exam was fairly recent).
I would say:
"Last week I sat a French exam and I would have passed it if I knew French well"
"In 1960 I sat a French exam and I would have passed it if I had known French well"
In the second example it's like "if I had known French well (back then)"
In the first example, since the exam was so recent, knowing French well now, means you would have known French well then.
It's just among other things, I knew is like an imperfective thing, a long event. Whereas, I had known is a completed action.
I'm not sure if I explained that well. I'm not 100% sure on all this crap.
"I wouldn't have got wet if I had my umbrella with me now" - is that the case? :?
Don't say now.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chuvak
Thank-Q for clearing up the matter. :lol:
It sounds a trifle odd to me. I'd say "I wouldn't have got wet if I'd had ('if I had had', literally, but that sounds dodgy) my umbrella with me". At the risk of a good smiting from TATYQuote:
Originally Posted by TATY