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Thread: Проверьте плиз... на стилистические и грамматические ошибки!

  1. #1
    Dr. is offline
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    Проверьте плиз... на стилистические и грамматические ошибки!

    Заранее спасибо всем!!!!

    When I met with Bruce he was about sixty years old and he had already fifteen books. He was a talented man but reading about strange things which were interested nobody. He was an original, a stranger in modern civilization. It had never been a writer more indifferent about what it had been written (was being written) of him.
    Last year was very hard for Bruce: his last book had not been success, it had been sold very bad. He had been operated his strengths and means had been ended.
    Когда я познакомился с Брюсом, ему было под 60, и он уже написал 15 книг. Он был талантлив, но писал о таких странных вещах, которые никого не интересовали. Он был оригиналом, чужаком в современной цивилизации. Еще никогда не существовало писателя более равнодушного к тому, что о нем писали.
    Тот год был очень трудным для Брюса: его последняя книга не имела успеха, она продавалась очень плохо. Он перенес операцию, его силы и средства закончились.

  2. #2
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    Re: Проверьте плиз... на стилистические и грамматические оши

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.
    Заранее спасибо всем!!!!

    When I met with Bruce he was about sixty years old and he had already [written?] fifteen books. He was a talented man[,] but [wrote] about strange things which [____] interested nobody. He was an original; a stranger in modern civilization. [SEE BELOW] [There] had never been a writer more indifferent about what [__] had been written [___ about] him.
    Last year was very hard for Bruce[. H]is last book had not been [a] success [ and had ] sold [poorly]. He [underwent an operation ??? and ] his strength[_] and [drive ??] had been [sapped??].

    --A stranger in modern civilization"??? I suppose it's gramatically correct, but it sounds odd.

    --That last line didn't make much sense to me, so my corrections are VERY liberal there.
    —Ravin' Dave

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: Проверьте плиз... на стилистические и грамматические оши

    Quote Originally Posted by RavinDave
    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.
    Заранее спасибо всем!!!!

    When I met with Bruce he was about sixty years old and he had already [written?] fifteen books. He was a talented man[,] but [wrote] about strange things which [____] interested nobody. He was an original; a stranger in modern civilization. [SEE BELOW] [There] had never been a writer more indifferent about what [__] had been written [___ about] him.
    Last year was very hard for Bruce[. H]is last book had not been [a] success [ and had ] sold [poorly]. He [underwent an operation ??? and ] his strength[_] and [drive ??] had been [sapped??].

    --A stranger in modern civilization"??? I suppose it's gramatically correct, but it sounds odd.

    --That last line didn't make much sense to me, so my corrections are VERY liberal there.
    Based on the Russian version of the text, that last line means "He underwent an operation, his strength was sapped, and his finances were depleted (if literally "his strength and finances ended", "he ran out of his strength and finances").
    Please correct my mistakes if you can, especially article usage.
    My avatar shall be the author I'm currently reading.

  4. #4
    Dr. is offline
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    Всем большой танкс!!!!!!!!

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