Возможно ли употребление глагола to like в present perfect? И хотя бы один пример, если не трудно...
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Возможно ли употребление глагола to like в present perfect? И хотя бы один пример, если не трудно...
I have liked making fun of my brother since I was a little kid :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Alexander
(Well, that is not about me, actually, it is just an example)
Could I said the following:Quote:
Originally Posted by translations.nm.ru
- Have you been to London?
- Yes. I've liked it.
- .... (mumble)
- Sorry? I haven't understood you.
It seems I can't use present perfect here... but why?
- Have you been to London?
Incorrect. Would be correct if the stress was on 'have', and the sentence was complemented with something like 'but not anymore'.Quote:
- Yes. I've liked it.
Incorrect. This would be either 'I didn't understand' or 'I don't'. Though 'It seems I haven't understood you correctly' is correct. Beh. Waxwing?Quote:
- Sorry? I haven't understood you.
Well the problem with the original dialogue is just that the second speaker should use the past simple, not the present perfect.
For example:
Have you been to London?
Yes, I have.
Did you like it?
Yes, I really liked it.
So it could be:
Have you been to London?
Yes, I liked it.
Once the response is positive (a trip to London has occurred) we switch from an indefinite time in the past, to consideration of a specific time in the past (the time of the trip). The fact that one speaker doesn't know exactly what that time is is irrelevant.
Well whatever .. we could go on about this but..
"I've liked making fun of my brother ever since I was a little kid" does sound strange, but maybe it's just a bit unusual.
Look at:
"I've liked the Beatles ever since I first heard 'Lady Madonna'". Sounds totally normal right?
hmm chewy stuff eh? :)
Thank you guys. I understood you. (It seems I can say "I have understood"... or not?)
One more question... Please read the quotation.
В разговорной речи люди часто выбрасывают начало предложения. Например, они подразумевают:
Did you see her yesterday? а говорят:
You see her yesterday? или даже:
See her yesterday?
Обратите внимание: это по-прежнему вопросительное предложение. Некоторые студенты, стоит им увидеть такие формы в литературе или услышать в речи, сразу подпадают под иллюзию, что, мол, американцы теперь не делают инверсию и задают вопрос, как в русском языке, с помощью интонации. Ничего подобного не происходит никогда. Если бы они задавали вопрос как в русском языке, они говорили бы:
Saw her yesterday? Но они говорят не saw, a see. Потому что did you - у них в голове.
Indeed? Is "see her yesterday?" correct?
Yes, it's OK. But 'I have understood' is a little uncommon (note to others: does anyone know if there is some restriction on the use of stative verbs in the perfective aspect? Both 'I have understood' and 'I have liked' sound slightly strange).Quote:
Originally Posted by Alexander
And you can also say: 'I understand' :)
Well, not sure about this question.. Very common is a heavy reduction of the "did you":Quote:
Originally Posted by Alexander
djeseeher yesterday?
To remove 'Did you' entirely seems less common to me. But virtually anything is possible in speech. I actually don't like 'See her yesterday?' because you have to struggle to make it not sound like an imperative. I think the dropping of the pronoun 'I' in 'Saw her yesterday' would be more common, as it's a statement of fact.
Thank you waxwing.
I have that understood. :-)