Fill in. One word is needed to fill each gap.

Any discussion of criminal behaviour requires understanding of the difference in meaning between rules, lswa and norms. Rules 1 be unwritten, or formal and written. The rules of dress or of how we eat are unwritten guides. 2 contrast, the rules of a factory, for example safety regulations, are usually 3 down and serve 4 strict regulators of behaviour.

Laws are perhaps the 5 example of written, formal rules and are decided upon by powerful and ifluential groups in society. In order to ensure that everyone adheres 6 the laws, there are specific penalties, including fines or imprisonment, for those 7 guilty of 8 them. Unlike other rules, 9 as rules of dress or of grammar, laws can always be enfrced by agencies 10 the police and the courts.

A norm is a very much 11 general term; it is an expected code of behaviour shared by 12 of a social group. Norms can be thought of as unwritten rules, for 13 that one should respond appropriately to a 'good morning' greeting. The are part of the culture of a society and are 14 on from one generation to the 15 over time.