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Thread: gaps

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Fill in. One word is needed to fill each gap.

    Any discussion of criminal behaviour requires understanding of the difference in meaning between rules, lswa and norms. Rules 1 be unwritten, or formal and written. The rules of dress or of how we eat are unwritten guides. 2 contrast, the rules of a factory, for example safety regulations, are usually 3 down and serve 4 strict regulators of behaviour.

    Laws are perhaps the 5 example of written, formal rules and are decided upon by powerful and ifluential groups in society. In order to ensure that everyone adheres 6 the laws, there are specific penalties, including fines or imprisonment, for those 7 guilty of 8 them. Unlike other rules, 9 as rules of dress or of grammar, laws can always be enfrced by agencies 10 the police and the courts.

    A norm is a very much 11 general term; it is an expected code of behaviour shared by 12 of a social group. Norms can be thought of as unwritten rules, for 13 that one should respond appropriately to a 'good morning' greeting. The are part of the culture of a society and are 14 on from one generation to the 15 over time.
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  2. #2
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    You wouldn't be asking us to do your homwork, would you?

    How about you post your guesses, and we'll discuss those?
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  3. #3
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    What is Iswa?
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  4. #4
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    1. can
    2. By
    3. written
    4. as
    5. primary
    6. to
    7. people
    8. breaking
    9. such
    10. like
    11. more
    12. several
    13. example
    14. passed
    15. next
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    What is Iswa?
    It's either a boggled "laws" or a traditonal Japanese rice dish provided before martial arts contests. Actually, I just made that up. But that's what it would be if I could make up my own definition.

    Oh, and Kwatts, I would say "may" instead of "can" for #1.
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    What is Iswa?
    It's either a boggled "laws" or a traditonal Japanese rice dish provided before martial arts contests. Actually, I just made that up. But that's what it would be if I could make up my own definition.

    Oh, and Kwatts, I would say "may" instead of "can" for #1.
    5. Best
    12. Members
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  7. #7
    Увлечённый спикер
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    my guesses... well, here they are

    can anyone say if they are correct or wrong and why?

    1 can, may, might
    2 in, by
    3 put
    5 other
    6 to
    7 who
    8 breaking
    9 such
    10 like
    11 of
    12 members
    13 instance, example
    14 hand, pass
    15 other
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    1 can, may, (I would say may)
    2 in, by ("In" doesn't fit here; it can be used with contrast, but not here; "by is correct")
    3 put ("Put doesn't sound right; "written" is what you should put here)
    4as (correct)
    5 other (no; this simply doesn't fit, since you're not giving another alternative to contrast it with; "best" is you best option)
    6 to (correct)
    7 who (in order to use "who" here, you would have to say "who are" -- I don't think you are allowed to use 2 words though; people, or maybe even "persons" is better here)
    8 breaking (correct)
    9 such (correct)
    10 like ("such as" sounds much better here, but I don't think you can use 2 words . To me, "like" is just such an informal and overused word -- but I suppose it's your best option under the circumstances.)
    11 of (no, doesn't fit the wording. Best to say "A norm is very much a general term," but again, whoever wrote this has poor style. So yes, you need to use much here)
    12 members (correct)
    13 instance, example (either works; it's a matter of preference)
    14 hand, pass (those work fine (but passed sounds better), but watch the tense; it's past here, so "handed" or "passed")
    15 other (better to say "next" here, though other doesn't sound terrible either)
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  9. #9
    Увлечённый спикер
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    one more text, it is even interesting!!!-

    When gang member Charles Barbee woke up one morning and considered 1 to wear for the first of two bank robberies he had planned, he made a crucial mistake. He slipped 2 his jeans-a decision which was 3 put him in jail for 64 years.

    Barbee was caught by surveillance cameras while 4 out the robbery, and 5 he wore a mask to disguise his face, his jeans were clearly visible on the photograph. Later, police arrestedhim on suspicion of 6 committed the crime, but had to release him 7 to lack of evidence. However, they passed a pair of Barbee's jeans on to a team of forencis scientists, 8 noticed the distinctive lines worn into their fabric. Enlarging the photograph 9 by the surveillance cameras and comparing the 10 , they found over two dosen featured matching Barbee's jeans to 11 worn by the suspect in the photograph- 12 evidence to convict Barbee of the crime.

    'Jeans 13 usually be identified more easily than any other type of clothing, because their owners tend to keep them until they are 14 out', says a member of the forencis team.

    The jeans analysis 15 since been used in hundreds of trials in the US
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  10. #10
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Won't you at least try to do your homework yourself?
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
    I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
    Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
    Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Won't you at least try to do your homework yourself?
    Согласен! Попробуйте, а потом мы вам поможем!
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  12. #12
    Увлечённый спикер
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    I'm sorry, I forgot to!

    so my ideas are as follows:

    1. what
    2 on
    3 to
    4 carring
    5 while
    6 having
    7 according
    8 who/that
    9 mmmm
    10 lines
    11 those
    12 providing
    13 can may might
    14 worn
    15 has
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  13. #13
    Join Date
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    1. what (correct)
    2 on (correct)
    3 to (correct)
    4 carring (carrying)
    5 while ("although" fits a little better here)
    6 having (correct)
    7 according (according doesn't really work here; better to say "due")
    8 who/that (who; that doesn't work at all)
    9 mmmm (a bit confusing, yes, but I would say either "taken" or "shot" since it's referring to the photo produced by the camera)
    10 lines (I think "fabrics" would work better)
    11 those (correct)
    12 providing (the sentence structure here, the hyphen that is, suggests (to me at least) that this isn't really for a participle; I would use "enough," "sufficent," or "ample.")
    13 can may might (might doesn't work, period. May isn't the best option, b/c it's a question of real possibility. It is scientifically possible to identify this by forensics, so that's the reason that "can" works best here)
    14 worn (correct)
    15 has (correct)
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by olgaa
    I'm sorry, I forgot to!

    so my ideas are as follows:

    1. what
    2 on
    3 to
    4 carring
    5 while
    6 having
    7 according
    8 who/that
    9 mmmm
    10 lines
    11 those
    12 providing
    13 can may might
    14 worn
    15 has
    1.,2.,3., OK
    4., you spelt it wrong: carrying
    5., 6., OK
    7., "due to"
    8. I'd say "that" becuase it refers to the team
    9. captured/taken (both are OK. I prefer the former)
    10. OK (i think)
    11. OK

    Dozen, not dosen.
    That whole sentence doesn't make sense to me
    "they found over two dosen featured matching Barbee's jeans to 11 worn by the suspect in the photograph"

    It doesn't work.

    12. This one is ambiguous. It could be a number of things. "Providing works". But you could use an adjective instead, like maybe "concrete".
    13. Can
    14., 15., OK

    Check that sentence I highlighted. Maybe you typed it out wrong.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TATY
    Check that sentence I highlighted. Maybe you typed it out wrong.
    I suspect it's supposed to be:

    they found over two dozen features matching Barbee's jeans to those worn by the suspect in the photograph
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  16. #16
    Увлечённый спикер
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    yes, Tatu and Barmaley are right

    featured should be features
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  17. #17
    Старший оракул
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    Is It correct?

    1. Later, police had to release him owing to lack of evidence
    2. They found over 2 dosen features which made B's jeans match to (or look like) those jeans which suspect wore

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuvak
    Are they correct?

    1. Later, the police had to release him owing/due to lack of evidence
    2. They found over 2 dozen features which made B's jeans look like those jeans which the suspect wore

  19. #19
    Увлечённый спикер
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    there is

    In the first few years at school all appears to 1 very well. There is much concern, 2 the part of the teachers, with high educational standards and the children, even those who are 3 from being socially privileged in other ways, seem eager and happy. However, by the 4 they children reach adolescence, the promise of the early years frequently remains unfulfilled. Many leave school 5 having mastered those basic skills which society demands, let 6 having developed the ability to exercise any sort of creative intelligence.

    There is 7 denying that, in spite of the enlightended concern of our primary schools with happiness, schooling 8 or other turns into a distinctly unhappy experience for many of our children. Large 9 of them everge from it well 10 that they are ill-equipped 11 life in our society. So then they either regard 12 as stupid for failing or else, quite understandably , they regard the activities at 13 they have failed as stupid. In 14 event they want no 15 of them . How can we justify a long period of compulsory education which ends like that?

    and my thoughts:

    1 go/be
    2 on
    3 far
    4 time/moment
    5 without/not
    6 without, not (again!)
    7 sth like point...
    8 something somehow
    9 amount
    10 enough
    11 for
    12 themselves
    13 which
    14 any/either
    15 sth connected with feelings?
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  20. #20
    Увлечённый спикер
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    there is

    In the first few years at school all appears to 1 very well. There is much concern, 2 the part of the teachers, with high educational standards and the children, even those who are 3 from being socially privileged in other ways, seem eager and happy. However, by the 4 they children reach adolescence, the promise of the early years frequently remains unfulfilled. Many leave school 5 having mastered those basic skills which society demands, let 6 having developed the ability to exercise any sort of creative intelligence.

    There is 7 denying that, in spite of the enlightended concern of our primary schools with happiness, schooling 8 or other turns into a distinctly unhappy experience for many of our children. Large 9 of them everge from it well 10 that they are ill-equipped 11 life in our society. So then they either regard 12 as stupid for failing or else, quite understandably , they regard the activities at 13 they have failed as stupid. In 14 event they want no 15 of them . How can we justify a long period of compulsory education which ends like that?

    and my thoughts:

    1 go/be
    2 on
    3 far
    4 time/moment
    5 without/not
    6 without, not (again!)
    7 sth like point...
    8 something somehow
    9 amount
    10 enough
    11 for
    12 themselves
    13 which
    14 any/either
    15 sth connected with feelings?
    my e-mail:
    хочу получить письмо, и все!

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