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Thread: A few movie terms (Кто-нибудь работал в кино?)

  1. #1
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    A few movie terms (Кто-нибудь работал в кино?)

    While translating credits to a TV show, I run into several terms I am not sure I understand correctly. I'd like to verify their meanings and, if possible, find the Russian equivalents. So I will probably need help both from native English-speakers and from my compatriots who have worked in movies.

    "Program clearance executive" -- I did some research, and found out that only ONE person in the history of American movies/TV ever had this job title. The strange thing is that she is mentioned under this title in credits to about 3 different shows/films. But no one else, ever .

    What job could she do? Clearing with authorities various things that had to be done (programs to be executed?)

    Clearance Associate -- would she work UNDER "Program clearance executive" or, as the word "Associate" seems to suggest, she was her co-worker, colleage on equal footing?

    I realize that these terms may sound a little vague, but any and all educated guesses will be welcome

    Теперь вопрос к соотечественникам: сталкивался ли кто-нибудь с подобными должностями на кино/телестудиях или в съёмочных коллективах? Как называется человек, который отвечает за согласнование различных вопросов, получение разрешений на разные действия и т.д.?

  2. #2
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    Program clearance executive

    This sounds like somebody who is in charge of security.
    To give clearance = To allow entry
    Какая разница, умереть богатым или бедным?

    Какой толк от богатства если ты не счастлив.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for suggestion, but the word clearance also means other things. Basically, it means permission. A person can get clearance to entry, but you can also get a clearance for your program... or for your ship... So it's all in the area of the guesswork.

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор Dillen's Avatar
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    (I'll try to tackle this)

    Program clearance executive

    First, consider this quote
    The following list contains network executives who handle a variety of departments including: programming, development, acquisitions, operations, production, and casting. For a complete list of new and returning network programs in production refer to the television production listings.
    Definition for "Clearance": Permission to proceed.

    So it would appear that a program clearance executive is the executive (top dog, the main cheese) that a department has to go to for permission to proceed with a program (schedule).

    Clearance Associate: I would surmise (fancy word for "guess") this is a regular type person who is helping to bring <something> to the executive for permission, or perhaps this person is responsible for neatly organizing the projects which were given clearance, so as to send them to their corresponding department. Like a secretary for that executive.
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  5. #5
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    Thanks for the reply, Dillen, although it's a bit belated...

    After doing some more research, I tend to believe that Program clearance executive is a person who obtains an agreement from a TV company/station to air the show that is being produced. In TV producers' lingo, "to clear a program (or show)" means just that.

    Clearance associate, on the other hand, is (most likely) a person who handles things like obtaining permissions to use copyrighted works and such.

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru View Post
    Thanks for the reply, Dillen, although it's a bit belated...

    After doing some more research, I tend to believe that Program clearance executive is a person who obtains an agreement from a TV company/station to air the show that is being produced. In TV producers' lingo, "to clear a program (or show)" means just that.

    Clearance associate, on the other hand, is (most likely) a person who handles things like obtaining permissions to use copyrighted works and such.
    I feel like I should get an award for bringing up such an OLD thread!!! However I was searching for something else and found this one and it was actually timely!

    translationsnmru, Yes, your final answer is correct. When I looked up the lady in question and saw her credits, she worked almost exclusively for Weird Al and as he is a parodist, using other artists songs and changing the lyrics, he probably hired her to obtain permission from all of the artists.

    Now, here is where the timely part comes in, Throbert McGee, posted the other day about Weird Al and his Lady Gaga parody. This was in the news back in April as at first Weird Al did NOT have permission to do the song, but then it turned out it was all a misunderstanding and Lady Gaga had never said no and loved the song, here is an article about the mixup. 'Weird Al' Yankovic gets permission to 'perform this way' after Lady Gaga dustup -

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    I feel like I should get an award for bringing up such an OLD thread!!! However I was searching for something else and found this one and it was actually timely!
    Rockzmom, sorry for having missed your reply. I just didn't see it when it was posted. Thanks a lot!

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    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Not a problem, it's funny as I'm currently trying to get clearance to use this song. I have the publishing side, I am waiting for the "master recording" side.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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