While translating credits to a TV show, I run into several terms I am not sure I understand correctly. I'd like to verify their meanings and, if possible, find the Russian equivalents. So I will probably need help both from native English-speakers and from my compatriots who have worked in movies.
"Program clearance executive" -- I did some research, and found out that only ONE person in the history of American movies/TV ever had this job title. The strange thing is that she is mentioned under this title in credits to about 3 different shows/films. But no one else, ever.
What job could she do? Clearing with authorities various things that had to be done (programs to be executed?)
Clearance Associate -- would she work UNDER "Program clearance executive" or, as the word "Associate" seems to suggest, she was her co-worker, colleage on equal footing?
I realize that these terms may sound a little vague, but any and all educated guesses will be welcome
Теперь вопрос к соотечественникам: сталкивался ли кто-нибудь с подобными должностями на кино/телестудиях или в съёмочных коллективах? Как называется человек, который отвечает за согласнование различных вопросов, получение разрешений на разные действия и т.д.?