Нашел тут фразу:
She deep down never liked him.
Каков смысл deep down? "до самой глубины" или "если вдаваться в детали"
Ну например такOriginally Posted by mishau_
Idiom: deep down. In reality, although not in appearance
Russian is tough, let’s go shopping!
Something like в глубине души она никогда его не любила
Я думаю, что переводиться это должно, что-то вроде "истинно", "по-настоящему", "в глубине души" .
God granted me the serenity to accept the things
I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can
And wisdom to know the difference
Взял эту строку и в google:Originally Posted by vox05
В целом все понял.
Всем спасибо за ответы.
Сопутствующий вопрос: как перевести
"Мы Вас любим, где-то в глубине души... очень глубоко..." ©
"We love you deep down... very deeply..."![]()
My try: We love you, somewhere deep down, very deep down.
That's a good literal translation, but it sounds weird in English.Originally Posted by net surfer
We usually say, "...from the bottom of our hearts".
I guess you could say, "...from the very depth of my(our) soul(s)", but even that sounds a little bit florid for all but the most dramatic situations.
I suggest: "We love you deeply, from the very depth of our souls." (or, "from the bottom of our hearts" -- a bit more natural)
"Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
Cogito Ergo Doleo
Probably not so good because in Russian it's sarcasm. It's like "we love you... a little... a very little".
We must at heart love you so much.Originally Posted by E-learner
We at heart may/really/quite love you... so much ???
in the depths of his own mind,
in the privacy of one's thoughts,
in the inmost recesses of the soul
we do love you... dearly
must ~ do ~ may ~ really ~ quite ?? We at heart really love you...
Фиг знает.
Aaah, ok, if it's sarcastic, then my version won't work either. Never mind.Originally Posted by net surfer
I can't think of a clever way to say it in English that is close to the original and makes sense.
"Сейчас без языка нельзя... из тебя шапку сделают..."
Cogito Ergo Doleo
[quote=Matroskin Kot]Aaah, ok, if it's sarcastic, then my version won't work either. Never mind.Originally Posted by "net surfer":22ve7wv8
I can't think of a clever way to say it in English that is close to the original and makes sense.[/quote:22ve7wv8]
I love you... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This works...![]()
Io seeeiiiii che non posso parlare il russo come tu....
Da vero, sono Italiano!
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