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Thread: Breaking down a newspaper headline

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Breaking down a newspaper headline

    [quote]Werke des Autobauers melden Teilemangel wegen der Proteste der Mitarbeiter in Bochum. Europaweit gehen Angestellte von General Motors gegen die Sparpl

  2. #2
    Почётный участник
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    "Autobauer" in this context means the company (i.e. Opel). So "Werke des Autobauers" would be something like "the plants of the car company"

    "Teilemangel" : lack of parts (has deficit parts the same meaning?)

    "Mitarbeiter" : employee (The word "Mitarbeiter" is preferred in Germany at least in more or less formal texts in order to emphasize that workers or employees in general are important for the success of a company)


  3. #3
    Увлечённый спикер
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    That's more words to my vocabulary. Will soon have to learn grammar. Have started a German course at university to help improve as I've not done any German for seven years.

    And yes, deficit is the same as 'a lack of'

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