Francesca here, I didn't see this section about German language on this site before now.
I would just like to ask does anyone here on this forum know how to speak the Bavarian Language. I only ask because nearly two and a half years ago now, when I was only sweet 18. I took one of the most bravest descison in my life and decided to go to Germany and work there as an Au pair. As it happened I ended up working there for a family that lived in Bavaria, and it turned out that their only whole spoken language was Bavarain. With hardly any spoken knowledge of English at all.
Being young, and only really knowing a very few basic words of German, It worked out that the only way I could surrive out there was to learn what they class as lanugage of there own Bavarian. Can anybody officaly confirm to me that Bavarian is actually classed as an language or is it just a spoken dialect? I am not so sure.
Anyway , because I was living in such a small region name "Trostberg". It was really diffcult for me to find a place of study in an educational centre to learn High German. As it worked out, I hatch to learn Bavarian otherwise I would not have lasted. However from other sources I did manage to pick a little bit of High German. However I must admit that Bavarian was much easier. I just wondered if anyone else out there can talk it??
I must one of the only people from the UK, that can talk it fluently lol!
"E bin ned fertig". Haha! "Ich bin fertig mit meine scriben". That is probably wrong. Anyway I really try.
Many thanks
Ferte (Bis spater)!