вычитка, вычетание, вычитать, вычетать
who can tell the difference? (I can)
вычитка, вычетание, вычитать, вычетать
who can tell the difference? (I can)
Words "вычЕтание" and "вычЕтать" don't exist. There are вычИтание and вычИтать - "subtraction" and "to subtract". There is also "вычет" (Ы stressed), a purely accounting term derived from the above verb. It means "deduction" or "takeout".
"Вычитка" is a technical word and means "proofreading", the corresponding verb is "вычитывать" (imperf.)/"вычитать" (perf., Ы stressed).
вЫчитать - to have read from the book, to have found (from the book)Originally Posted by nshmel
вычитАние - subtraction
вычитАть - to subtract
Gib immer 100% bei der Arbeit: 12% am Montag, 23% am Dienstag, 40% am Mittwoch, 20% am Donnerstag, 5% am Freitag ...
Right, JJ, thanx, I forgot to mention that meaning - "to find in a book, newspaper, etc."Originally Posted by JJ
thanks all
i just thought it is very funny
вычитка - вычитать
вычитание - вычитывать
in fact, it is
вычитка - вычитывать - вЫчитать
вычитание - вычитАть
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