Are you a confused newcommer who doesn't know when / how to use С, Из\ От.
Well fear no more. I'm here to clear it up for you.
It's very simple when you learn the rules.
First, and probly most simple/ logical = Из.
this is when you are actually comming from inside of a place. Wether it be a country, a building, a town center, a city, your mom, or a space shuttle.
You use из. Some examples.
Он приехал из чечни. He came from Chechnya.
Я из москвы, но родился в казахстане. I came from moscow, but i was born in Kazakhstan.
Если ты русский, ты из россии (а ураинец, ты с украины)
If you're russian, you're from Russia.
Second, С. C Is also from a place, but not necesarrily a certain place.
For example. "War, Work, The sea, A tree".
While these things take place, maybe in a country or an area, there is no real "boundry" to where a war, or work, or anythign else of the sort could end. So, you use С in these instances.
Ветер с моря дул - The wind blew from the sea.
Подали звёзды с неба - Stars fell from the sky
моя мама пришла неожиданно с работы- my mom came home unexpectedly from work.
Он венулся с войны... приехал из Чечни. He returned from war... he came from chechnya.
Lastly, От. This is when you don't actually go "into" a place, or thing, but you get right up to it, and then return. For example, you go "от" a person, or maybe things you can't measure, like pain, suffering.
Я взял мяч от него - Took the ball from him.
Он умер от боли и неудач - He died from pain and bad luck.
Угадай - это письмо от кого ? Guess who this letter is from!
And that's all there is too it.
GG all.