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Thread: С праздником, дорогие форумчане!

  1. #1
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    С праздником, дорогие форумчане!

    С 69-й годовщиной Великой Победы вас, товарищи!

    Спасибо Деду за ПОБЕДУ!
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  2. #2
    Very moving march....

    I can't believe 8 people were killed in Ukraine today. On Peace Day! Totally unbelievable. And Western media doesn't think those 8 dead people are worth reporting, but reports instead of "Putin's provocation of going to Crimea" and "Russia's displays its Military Might".

    I think the singing is the nicest aspect of this celebration and I like several of the songs, particularly the more folksy and poetic songs, not so much marches.
    Antonio1986 likes this.

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Very moving march....

    I can't believe 8 people were killed in Ukraine today. On the Peace Day! Totally unbelievable. And Western media doesn't think those 8 dead people are worth reporting, but reports instead of "Putin's provocation of going to Crimea" and "Russia's displays its Military Might".
    Looks like it's about a hundred victims in Mariupol only. Horrible...
    Antonio1986 likes this.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  4. #4
    Whereabouts in Ukraine does your wife come from? She must be totally devastated by all this regardless of where she comes for or what her views on it are. It's just tragic.
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  5. #5
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Whereabouts in Ukraine does your wife come from? She must be totally devastated by all this regardless of where she comes for or what her views on it are. It's just tragic.
    She is from Sumy region (North-East of Ukraine). Thank God it's quiet there currently. She is not so interested in politics and thinks that in Ukrainian goverment former half-crazy politicians were overrun by totally-crazy politicians who is killing the country right now. Most of her relatives/friends there thinks the same.
    Hanna and UhOhXplode like this.
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  6. #6
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    In the meantime, unfortunately, some people in Ukrainian political leadership are not so happy that Hitler was finally ousted.

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Жители Херсона, которые присутствовали на митинге в честь Дня Победы, освистали губернатора [Херсонской области] и забрали у него микрофон.
    - Сегодня мы вспоминаем, как люди боролись против агрессоров, которые пытались оккупировать наши земли и поработить людей, прикрываясь лозунгами освобождения земель, которые якобы захватил Гитлер. Но Гитлер выдвигал лозунги освобождения людей от коммунистического ига, от режима Сталина, - сказал губернатор Херсонской области Одарченко.

    Группа людей, перед которыми выступал Одарченко, не смогли вынести речи полтика и начали свистеть и скандировать: «Позор, позор».

    Для справки, Юрий Витальевич Одарченко родился 5 апреля 1960 в Херсоне. Украинский политический деятель, народный депутат Украины. Председатель Киевской городской организации партии Всеукраинское объединение «Батькивщина» с 27 апреля 2011 года, входит в президиум и политсовет.

  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    And some nursery schools in Latvia are, allegedly, still proudly show signs they are free of Jews.

    Quote Originally Posted by

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    And some nursery schools in Latvia are, allegedly, still proudly show signs they are free of Jews.
    The Russian speakers in Latvia MUST start reporting this kind of stuff to Brussels, it's totally illegal in the EU. Including the discrimination. I know that they don't care much about discrimination of Russians, but discrimination of Jews is an extremely big deal. They should report it to every major newspaper in the EU.

    Imagine if this happened in France or the UK - it's totally unthinkable. The person would go to prison for a while, I think.

    Latvia should answer to the European court and international media for quite a lot of things that are going on there. The language situation is ludicrous. Half of any conversation you hear in Riga is in Russian, more in many other cities.
    Yet the gov't there tries to pretend like the Russian language does not even exist.

    Don't even know that there ARE any Jews in Latvia anymore. Those that Hitler didn't finish off probably left for some other country at the Soviet annexation, or for Israel in the 1990s. So it's ridiculous they should even bring it up.

  9. #9
    Back on the theme of Peace Day today, RT has a really sweet feature about a man with cerebral palsy who helps people find out what happened to their relatives that went missing during the War. All extremely touching and interesting. Recommended!

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile View Post
    And some nursery schools in Latvia are, allegedly, still proudly show signs they are free of Jews.
    Seems a bit unnatural, why would any Latvian people have problems with Jews? On the other hand, there are certain groups of residents there who would definitely want them to, so...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    The Russian speakers in Latvia MUST start reporting this kind of stuff to Brussels, it's totally illegal in the EU. Including the discrimination. I know that they don't care much about discrimination of Russians, but discrimination of Jews is an extremely big deal. They should report it to every major newspaper in the EU.
    I don't get it at all, why in the world would a person who speaks language A be reporting discrimination of nation B done in country C, that the person typically isn't even a citizen of? If such things happen, isn't there a more appropriate service to take care of the issue?

  12. #12
    Don't play stupid. You know perfectly well what the language situation in Latvia is, and that discrimination of minorities on the basis of language is against EU laws. No other country allows people to put on SS uniforms and march on the streets either.
    Council of Europe - ETS no. 148 - European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

    As for Victory / Peace Day, well this song -Bella Ciao- comes to mind when I think of Ukraine at the moment.

    I searched Youtube and there are a few "Ukraine" versions of Bella Ciao made by the Euromaidan in February. Do the people who made these realise that this song is about struggle AGAINST nazis and fascism? Maybe a song in German would be a better fit for them...

    Definitely time to remake a version of "Bella Ciao Ukraina" with the Odessa Fire, Mariupol shooting, siege of Slavyansk and people getting beaten up in Donetsk.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин UhOhXplode's Avatar
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    Congratulations Russia! And thank you for saving the world from the Nazis! I watched the whole Victory Day Parade in Red Square and the Victory Day Navy ships in Sevastopol, Russia on RT. Very impressive!
    Now if the petition in the European Parliament is approved by the EC then the Nazis in Ukraine can be beaten too.

    @ Hanna. Something else really good to watch is the 1962 movie "Ivan's Childhood", directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. It's based on the 1957 short story by Vladimir Bogomolov and it shows the impact of WW2 on people's lives in Russia. I don't know where we got our copy but it has English subtitles and you can probably find it somewhere online. It's definitely worth watching.
    maxmixiv likes this.
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    Пожалуйста, исправьте мои ошибки. Спасибо.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hanna View Post
    Definitely time to remake a version of "Bella Ciao Ukraina" with the Odessa Fire, Mariupol shooting, siege of Slavyansk and people getting beaten up in Donetsk.
    Would you rather prefer a part of Ukraine to be run by people like this:

    Europe - Meet the self-proclaimed 'people’s mayor' of Ukraine's Slaviansk - France 24

    It's easy to see why ordinary Ukrainian people like it-ogo are on the other side of that freak show, and will never cross the line.

  15. #15
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
    ...@ Hanna. Something else really good to watch is the 1962 movie "Ivan's Childhood", directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. It's based on the 1957 short story by Vladimir Bogomolov and it shows the impact of WW2 on people's lives in Russia. I don't know where we got our copy but it has English subtitles and you can probably find it somewhere online. It's definitely worth watching.
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    Would you rather prefer a part of Ukraine to be run by people like this:

    Europe - Meet the self-proclaimed 'people’s mayor' of Ukraine's Slaviansk - France 24

    It's easy to see why ordinary Ukrainian people like it-ogo are on the other side of that freak show, and will never cross the line.
    Frankly if he continues to support the government in Kiev, after how they've been dealing with the uprising in Eastern Ukraine, then he's not the person I thought he was.

    He has the right to whatever opinion he wants obviously. But that country is going to hell in a handbasket very fast, and a few measly billion dollars that USA / EU / IMF are prepared to reward the new government with isn't going to change it. Neither is shooting at their own population. For OPPOSING and illegal coup d'etat of a government that they themselves elected. And only a year before re-elections.

    This is too crazy for words, and it's beginning to really upset me. I think I'd better not write anything more.

    Nothing surprising about you taking the position you do though, Eric!
    (Дeleted. L.)
    Last edited by Lampada; May 10th, 2014 at 11:06 AM. Reason: Переход на лисности, Disrespectful statement

  17. #17
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    This forum is really missing a dislike button now... Someone's here being the blackest sheep there ever is, turning the thread about the most important victory of our nation into a political discussion and along with that making obnoxious statements that at the very least are supportive of everything our people fought against...

    Worst of all, the person who actually took a stand against that someone got her message moderated... Figures anyway. I expect my post to get moderated as well, anyhow. But if it happens I will lose my last doubts of what views our beloved moderator holds... Take it for what you will
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by iCake View Post
    This forum is really missing a dislike button now... Someone's here being the blackest sheep there ever is, turning the thread about the most important victory of our nation into a political discussion and along with that making obnoxious statements that at the very least are supportive of everything our people fought against...

    Worst of all, the person who actually took a stand against that someone got her message moderated... Figures anyway. I expect my post to get moderated as well, anyhow. But if it happens I will lose my last doubts of what views our beloved moderator holds... Take it for what you will
    I can understand your feelings, and I wouldn't normally bring any of what I brought here onto this thread, but tell me one thing, was it me who started to get political here and discuss something not going on in Russia ?

  19. #19
    Властелин iCake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
    I can understand your feelings, and I wouldn't normally bring any of what I brought here onto this thread, but tell me one thing, was it me who started to get political here and discuss something not going on in Russia ?
    You know that's exactly why I refered to "someone". "Посоны" would just burst right now with a victorious "определился" at you. At least it's showing that you feel your responsibility

    If serious, don't tell me about uderstanding my feelings. Was your grand grandfather (who was a Ukrainian by the way) shot dead by so called "полицаи"? If you don't know who they are, I'll tell you. They were a special force of traitors who submitted themselves to the fascist doctrine out of the sense of fear or whatever, that doesn't matter. What matters is that they were bunched up into regiments and then they were used to execute entire villages if there was a slightest suspicion that the villagers were collabarating with partisans. In other words they were Russian traitors murdering and slaughtering Russian ordinary people.

    Doesn't it look familiar to you? You know history repeats itself, doesn't it? That's why it is said "A nation that doesn't remember its history has no future".

    I have another touching stories, my grandmother is an orphan of war, but I've already recalled too much of what you even deserve to hear from me. Maybe you were not the one who started bringing politics into this thread but you ARE the one who started bringing support of "Hitler's ideas" here.

    You know what. You are free to spew your nonsense express your opinions in a political thread. But don't you dare spitting that shit out here in a celebration thread.

    Good day.
    Hanna likes this.
    I do not claim that my opinion is absolutely true.
    If you've spotted any mistake in my English, please, correct it. I want to be aware of any mistakes to efficiently eliminate them before they become a habit.

  20. #20
    Well perhaps all of us who made political comments should just have kept our mouths shut in this thread, and said something nice about Victory Day.

    But it's hard to remain silent and praise the victory against fascism and nazism when something as outrageous as the situation in Ukraine is going on. And when media is lying about it too.

    If at least the media (Western) was reporting honestly about it!
    But the whole country is being destroyed and people are dying and we hear nothing but lies and blackout when we open the papers. Not to mention the anti-Russia, anti-Putin agitation that is actually worse today, than during the cold war, at least in Europe. The situation is extremely twisted and very upsetting.

    But here we go:

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