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Thread: нас не догонят

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    нас не догонят

    the TATY music video for nas ne dogonyat makes no sense,the video is really stupid(and the song sucks too).They run away on a big 18-wheeler truck they stole from a airport and speed down a wintery(if that is even a word)highway and run over a construction guy or whatever he is and get on top of the truck and kiss and sing.what do you think about this?
    Bush is a conformist.

  2. #2
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    A lot of music videos don't make sense. That's why I don't watch them. It is just random crap and some people think it is so deep or has some message but it is just crap for the masses. The last music video I saw was...let's see...I think it was something from the Smashing Pumpkins? It had this clown toy thing that spun around and around, and everything was in black and white. Now, the last good music video I've seen would have to be "Say, Say, Say" with Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney. It's back in the day, see, and Paul McCartney goes into this old Western town with his truck and they're selling this miracle potion that makes you strong. He asks who wants to try it and Michael Jackson appears from the shadows. MJ drinks it then suddenly spins around! Then this big muscled guy comes out and he armwrestles MJ and loses. Then it cuts to they're driving through the countryside and MJ appears out of nowhere from behind a tree. And then you see the big muscled guy. IT WAS A SCAM! Anyhow they give all the money to some charity or something and meanwhile all the people in the first town are pretending to be strong. They go into this second town and they make a vaudeville act. And then the cops come in so Paul McCartney's wife yells FIRE! they run for it in the ensuing chaos! But not before MJ gives some flowers to a girl in the audience! See, that's what makes a good music video. And don't even get me started on BAD and Thriller. Anything that has people dancing for no reason in subways or graveyards is put on the "GOOD" column in my music video list... Oh, and I hate TATU. By your recent posts it looks like you hate them too, so why are they your icon? They aren't particularly good looking. If I had to pick good looking Russian girls, I surely wouldn't pick the TATU girls.

  3. #3
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    that is hilarious pravit!the reason they are on my avatar is that i think they're cute, especially Lena, but, not as cute as Anna Kournikova!she has got it goin' on. I really like you pravit, you are very funny
    Bush is a conformist.

  4. #4
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    Why, thank you! And, you are a very intelligent guy, especially with you reading Tolstoy and whatnot. I haven't even read Anna Karenina yet! I hope MTV or VH1 or whatever it is does not trash that good mind of yours

    As for Kurnikova, WHYYYY must you guys always go for the blonde? But I agree, she's much better looking than the TATU girls. As for me personally I go for brunettes. Dark eyes, dark hair, and a plump lower lip...sigh... <-----that's a sigh and not a bored

  5. #5
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit

    As for Kurnikova, WHYYYY must you guys always go for the blonde?
    i guess it is because of hormones! i'm only 10 and all i can think about is girls,girls,girls,girls,girls,girls and more girls. it's driving me mad, i can't take anymore maybe you could give me some advice to keep my hormones from going crazy!!!!
    p.s.i even avoided myself from finishing Grapes of Wrath and instead visited the paris hilton home page.
    Bush is a conformist.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ночь-проводник
    i guess it is because of hormones! i'm only 10 and all i can think about is girls,girls,girls,girls,girls,girls and more girls. it's driving me mad, i can't take anymore maybe you could give me some advice to keep my hormones from going crazy!!!!
    Don't worry. I found "true love of my life" when I was 8 years old.

    Quote Originally Posted by ночь-проводник
    p.s.i even avoided myself from finishing Grapes of Wrath and instead visited the paris hilton home page.
    Paris Hilton? I'm confused. Is this 1337 h4x0r internet lingo for some secret pornography site? What did they have at a hotel website? Or were you planning on chatting up some fine parisiennes in the near future and decided to plan for, erm, accomodations?

    My advice: Don't bother with visiting hotel websites and finish Grapes of Wrath. Or, better yet, if you have any Russian youth novels, you could read those to get your Russian skills up. I'm sure you could ask your parents to help you if you don't understand something. Or "Герой-Филолог" around here

    p.s. "True love of my life" was a little blonde girl! Now I like brunettes...I guess my taste has matured :P

  7. #7
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    i only have 1 thing to say to all this. Снег по ладоням...
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  8. #8
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Quote Originally Posted by ночь-проводник
    i guess it is because of hormones! i'm only 10 and all i can think about is girls,girls,girls,girls,girls,girls and more girls. it's driving me mad, i can't take anymore maybe you could give me some advice to keep my hormones from going crazy!!!!
    Don't worry. I found "true love of my life" when I was 8 years old.

    Quote Originally Posted by "ночь-проводник":2rs25pcx
    p.s.i even avoided myself from finishing Grapes of Wrath and instead visited the paris hilton home page.
    Paris Hilton? I'm confused. Is this 1337 h4x0r internet lingo for some secret pornography site? What did they have at a hotel website? Or were you planning on chatting up some fine parisiennes in the near future and decided to plan for, erm, accomodations?

    My advice: Don't bother with visiting hotel websites and finish Grapes of Wrath. Or, better yet, if you have any Russian youth novels, you could read those to get your Russian skills up. I'm sure you could ask your parents to help you if you don't understand something. Or "Герой-Филолог" around here

    p.s. "True love of my life" was a little blonde girl! Now I like brunettes...I guess my taste has matured :P [/quote:2rs25pcx]

    no the Paris Hilton homepage, you know the billionaire's daughter.
    Bush is a conformist.

  9. #9
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    17 I understand! At first I thought you were looking at the website of the Hilton branch in Paris.

    Dogboy, I have trouble telling you and Noch apart now, your avatars are virtually the same! It's just that one of them has the red haired one on the right and one of them on the left...

  10. #10
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    Да ну, он вор! Аватар был у меня первый.
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

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