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Thread: "Our Red Army Ally"

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    "Our Red Army Ally"

    I acquired this pamphlet that was printed by the US Government for American troops at the end of WWII, whenever the chances of meeting a Russian soldier in Germany were very good. To keep accidents from happening they printed general commands or signals to give a sentry if they called you out (otherwise they might fire). Anyhow, I took apart the badly scanned pages and re-formatted them in a much easier to read PDF file, both in its original form and also in a more printer-friendly version (the faded-out paper is now white instead of a muddy tan).

    Russians, tell me what you think!

    Original Document (32 MB):

    Printer-Friendly Version (6 MB): ... iendly.pdf
    Ba-dum tish.

  2. #2
    Почётный участник
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    Re: "Our Red Army Ally"

    The most positive look at USSR I heard from USA. Too positive even

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    Re: "Our Red Army Ally"

    Don’t recall now what the program’s name was, “Ten best tanks ever” maybe, where T-34 was placed second after American “Abrams”. This pamphlet must have been the first to give as much of a credit to Russian military prowess in WW2..
    Funny dialogs are in the part where American soldiers are instructed on how to make the right response to a sentry’s challenge.
    Стой, кто идёт?
    Американские бойцы!

    I’ve saved the article on HDD to read it more closely sometime. Good stuff!

  4. #4
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Re: "Our Red Army Ally"

    Glad it could prove amusing to some of you. I admit, it's almost a complete 180 of what American media broadcasted during the Cold War. This pamphlet makes it sound like Russia and America were going to be friends forever.

    American Pamphlet:

    "Do not forget to address your Russian comrades with the phrase "BFF". This will cement our future relations!"
    Ba-dum tish.

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