From Swedish Radios site:
Quote Originally Posted by Sveriges radio P1
Rysslandstimmarna denna vecka: Vi fokuserar på den senaste moderna och nästan-moderna ryska populärmusiken. Det kommer även att handla om rysk vidskepelse, och det faktum att 2000 personer blivit helgonförklarade i Ryssland efter Sovjetunionens fall. Naturligtvis uppmärksammas också 300-års jubileumet av slaget i Poltava. Missa inte!
Translation: Russia-hours this week: Among the highlights, the latest from the Russian music scene, but also focus on superstition among Russians. Investigation of the fact that 2000 people have been declared saints in Russia since Soviet times. Of course, this week we also commemorate the 300 year anniversary of the battle of Poltava. Do not miss!

Well, I missed it since I'm in England, and it sure was not Poltava that I wanted to hear about...

2000 people declared saints since 1991!
Well... that's quite a lot! The Vatican makes less than one new saint per year I think!
What's going on? Does anybody know anything about this? Who are the saints?