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Thread: Cultural observations... Toasting

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Cultural observations... Toasting

    For those of you who might be interested in finding out what it's like to live in Russia, I thought I would write a few things here.

    For no particular reason, let me start with one of the most cherished pastimes of the Russians .. drinking

    Everyone in the UK (I think it's the same in the US) is certainly familiar with the tradition of making toasts, but it's usually only on special occasions (weddings being the primary example) that we really go to town and make a real toast.
    In Russia toasts are an integral part of the business of having fun. Whenever three or more people are sharing a drink, toasts are in order. It can be something simple (за любовь, за дружба..) but, more often, you'll be glad that the glass you're raising is a small vodka shot and not a German-style 3 litre jug of beer, because once a Russian starts toasting, there's no telling when he'll stop
    Toasts are often quite serious and 'from the heart', even amongst young people just having fun / shooting the breeze. One particularly interesting example that I experienced recently (sorry but after attempts at translation it may have lost some meaning ) was from a young guy who told the story of a man who arranged to meet his enemy, and then his girlfriend and then his friends in the park. His enemy didn't show up, and nor did his girlfriend. Finally his friends turned up, bringing with them his girl.. and the head of his enemy. Well this is probably a Caucasian toast
    I have of course been obliged to attempt to engage in this practice (миру мир inspired roars of laughter on one occasion).

    Of course the other thing about toasts is that they're a good way of forcing everyone to drink! After a toast, and the clinking of glasses with *everyone* (even if there's 12 of you) the glass must be drained. So, if you're drinking vodka, the toasts get shorter and shorter as the brain cells decay, until it's like за снег .. whatever .. hiccup..
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  2. #2
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    Question...what is the legan drinking age in Russia? Oh and what would happen if you refused to drink *politely of course!*
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazon princess
    Question...what is the legan drinking age in Russia? Oh and what would happen if you refused to drink *politely of course!*
    18 y.o.
    Oh, nothing specilal I think May be some people just show their indignation.
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  4. #4
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    ( Even though I wouldn't get drunk ), i'm still glad to hear that they wouldn't throw a fit! I had read that they got very persistant and practically forced you to drink at least a little! Ahhh...good ole Russians!
    @---;---- Love is like playing the Piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazon princess
    ( Even though I wouldn't get drunk ), i'm still glad to hear that they wouldn't throw a fit! I had read that they got very persistant and practically forced you to drink at least a little! Ahhh...good ole Russians!
    Actually it very depends on a company.
    Not only in Russia people can force you to drink, am i right ?)) It's happens allovertheworld )
    Мы выбираем путь, идем к своей мечте,
    И надо не свернуть с пути уже нигде.
    И стоит шаг пройти, заносит время сле-ед,
    Обратного пути у жизни просто нет.

  6. #6
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    hehe russians and parents had friends over yesterday and there was alot of toasting going on.

    There is also a thing that when somebody toats you have to take at least a sip, you can't just hold up your glass and then put it down. The only time I know that russians drink without toasting is if your drinking for somebody that died...
    (Таня )

  7. #7
    Старший оракул
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazon princess
    Question...what is the legan drinking age in Russia? Oh and what would happen if you refused to drink *politely of course!*
    I'm not sure what the legal drinking age is, but it seems absolutely commonplace for teenagers of 16 or so to be drinking. Actually, that's quite normal in England too, although they tend to be more brazen about it over here. I know things tend to be a lot more strict in the US (drinking age of 21 right? or is that just some states?)

    It's the boys that really drink though, girls tend to be demure (or pretend to be ). This is a serious problem in Russia - men drinking. And drinking. And drinking.
    I actually got my job after the previous guy went on запой

    I've just discovered my new favourite Russian phrase in the dictionary - я горький пьяница.

    And as for how to refuse an offer of a drink .. dunno, haven't tried yet .. hic
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  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    US drinking age is 21, but teenagers are drinking all the time...and around here boys and girls both drink. Store owners card everyone even if they are obviously over 21.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    Quote Originally Posted by amazon princess
    Question...what is the legan drinking age in Russia? Oh and what would happen if you refused to drink *politely of course!*
    And as for how to refuse an offer of a drink .. dunno, haven't tried yet .. hic
    Hehehe I can see that waxwing! Maybe I shouldn't refuse if i'm ever offered. It's true that here in the U.S. the drinking age is 21 which is actually pretty stupid in my opinion. From what i've studied (in regards to medicine) tobacco is worse than alcohol. It makes no sense whatsoever! I'm turning 18 on Saturday which means that I can legally purchase cigarettes but I don't want to smoke! It's gross! I'm not much of a drinker actually, just the wine at church and when my parents are around they'll let me drink a little bit of other alcohol. The government should seriously consider making the drinking age the same as tobacco. Vodka, rum, brandy, and yum whiskey are good! Oh and tequila of course! bring on the margaritas! :P
    @---;---- Love is like playing the Piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

  10. #10
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    From what i've studied (in regards to medicine) tobacco is worse than alcohol. It makes no sense whatsoever!
    I think the logic behind the law is that alcohol has a more deleterious impact than tobacco in the immediate term: one tends not to fall into a cigarette-induced stupor.
    А если отнять еще одну?

  11. #11
    Старший оракул
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    Ever tried Russian cigarettes?
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Ever tried Russian cigarettes?
    Just the once, and you're quite right :) . Given the chance again, I'd rather have a pitcher of methanol.
    А если отнять еще одну?

  13. #13
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    I guess you're right on that Joysof, the immediate effect of alcohol does seem worse than tobacco. On the other hand, the latter will harm you more in the long run. I wish people would start thinking about the future, can't they see what they're doing to themselves? *I weep for all of humanity*
    @---;---- Love is like playing the Piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazon princess
    I guess you're right on that Joysof, the immediate effect of alcohol does seem worse than tobacco. On the other hand, the latter will harm you more in the long run. I wish people would start thinking about the future, can't they see what they're doing to themselves? *I weep for all of humanity*
    True. I join you in your weeping. When I was at school there was that picture in the biology book, of a smoker's lungs. And I thought that no one in his right mind would smoke after seeing that pic. But from a certain moment more and more of my classmates were noticed in smoking. And usually each discovery that this or that person had started smoking was a shock to me. Still I think they should put more of that picture in anti-smoking advertising and such, not that it would make a huge reduction of the number of smokers but nevertheless.
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  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин
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    guess you're right on that Joysof, the immediate effect of alcohol does seem worse than tobacco. On the other hand, the latter will harm you more in the long run.
    Not completely true. My good friends father in on kidney dialisis(sp?)
    Hey drank so much when he was young it ruined his kidneys, he doesnt have kidneys now. Hes on the donor recipient list, but thats a long shot. every other day he goes in for dialisis, 4hrs. to take all the blood out of his body, clean it and return it. Last January the water in his blood built up around his heart, 21 times. he nearly died 21 times. If they dont get the water and other toxins out, the water will build up around his heart, or back up into his lungs and he'll drown. I think that is the scariest thing, hes only 47, and he'll be on this the rest of his life.

    Cigarettes dont screw every single person up either. A lucky few never suffer from smoking related diseases, even after years and years and years of smoking.

  16. #16
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    The person who wants to give up smoking must once visit a post-mortem examination;
    I've been there 2 times and you know .. after that something indescribable came to my mind. Human can be disassembled so easy !

    Now it seems things because of which human dies are too plain and absurd even for example hemorrhage or stroke or different compression bone's fracture. After seeing this you begin thinking : "Why couldn't he live with this?" . Human is soo "fragile" but in reality he's even more "fragile".
    Take care, be healthy.
    Мы выбираем путь, идем к своей мечте,
    И надо не свернуть с пути уже нигде.
    И стоит шаг пройти, заносит время сле-ед,
    Обратного пути у жизни просто нет.

  17. #17
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    Of course! I'm not saying that alcohol in excess amounts doesn't affect your body. Any type of drug can harm you to the point of death. On the other hand, doctors have recommended that people drink a glass of wine a day, when have you ever heard them recommend smoking? *hey even Jesus himself drank wine!* besides, if you're going to drink it's going to have to be with caution and in smaller quantities so that your kidneys can handle the job. If precautions are taken, then there is no real harm in drinking a little, at least according to physicians. *by the way, it's dialysis * Oh and Friendy, yeah...when I was in health class and saw the picture of a smoker's lungs it was pretty gross. That definitely reeinforced my decision not to smoke!
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  18. #18
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I've seen that lung to...its not pretty.

    d-i-a-l-y-s-i-s gracias amizon, I thought there was a Y thrown in there somewhere

  19. #19
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    De nada Tambis O y no es amizon! Si lo quieres decir en espa
    @---;---- Love is like playing the Piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

  20. #20
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