That's really toutching event. For one hand Russia gets its herritage back - the one which it lost so thoughtlessly. For the other - the owner of the bells, the Harvard University loses a piece of the History. The bells were about to be destroyed and be sold by their weight's cost in the Soviet faithless thirtys. They were saved and at last appeared in Harvard University. Now Harvard gets the copies of the seventeen bells and returns the originals back to Russian Danilov monastery (Moscow).

the day will come when the Trojan treasures will leave Russia and come back to Germany. As well as the Elgin's Marbles will return to its homeland. It is both fair and unfair, but such things are unique and someone have to loss and the other one to inquire.

Right during these days the lagest bells will be loaded to the plain and sent in both directions.

Thank you, Harvard. Lucky Danilov!