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Thread: Your name & fate

  1. #1
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    Your name & fate

    Ship will float like it called (это я попытался перевести как корабль назовешь,так он и поплывёт). What do you think about it? Is there relation between your name and fortune?

  2. #2
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    Re: Your name & fate

    It definitely is, but you can't know whether your name fits you or not until a certain point of time.
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  3. #3
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    Re: Your name & fate

    So my name translates from arabian as "cheerful". And it's true. And what about your names?

  4. #4
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Is there relation between your name and fortune?
    I don't think so.

  5. #5
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    Re: Your name & fate

    well, given the fact my name means "perfect" in one of the languages, I'd like to believe names actually do reflect our personalities
    I don't though. A name's just a name and I don't see how it could affect anyone.

  6. #6
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by hazamov
    Ship will float like it called (это я попытался перевести как корабль назовешь,так он и поплывёт). What do you think about it? Is there relation between your name and fortune?
    Dear friend!
    I think, your translation is a bit too literate. If you don't mind, I would like to correct your grammar and hope it will help. (Firstly, I must notice that I am not a native English-speaker. I am just a language lover and live in an English-speaking country for about 10 years.)

    1. Don't forget articles. So it will be "a ship".

    2. You need to say "it is called" This is the passive voice: to be called.

    3. I believe the expression "like it is called", although translated accurately, doesn't convey the true meaning of the Russian saying. I would rather say, "A ship will sail the way you expect it to."

    Would love to see what native speakers think....

    Hopefully, I've been clear...

    Good luck!
    "Меньше малого довольно, чтобы сердце взволновать; больше самого большого надо, чтоб его разбить."
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  7. #7
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by hazamov
    Ship will float like it called (это я попытался перевести как корабль назовешь,так он и поплывёт). What do you think about it? Is there relation between your name and fortune?
    Fifty thousand girls were called Lena (Лена). Do they all share the same (or even similar) fortune? You must be kidding... :fool"

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparrow
    3. I believe the expression "like it is called", although translated accurately, doesn't convey the true meaning of the Russian saying. I would rather say, "A ship will sail the way you expect it to."
    It's a quote from a popular cartoon "Приключения капитана Врунгеля" (The adventures of captain Vroongel), I think. There was a song stating that 'Как вы яхту назовёте, так она и поплывёт" (A yacht will sail just they way you name it).
    In the cartoon there was a word play around the yacht's name. It was originally christened as 'Победа' (a victory), but the first two letters fell off and only 'Беда' (a woe, a misfortune) remained.

    So, generally, I agree with the translation "A ship will sail the way you expect it to", but I never mind being a little bit more literal 'A ship will sail the way you name it'
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  9. #9
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Quote Originally Posted by hazamov
    Ship will float like it called (это я попытался перевести как корабль назовешь,так он и поплывёт). What do you think about it? Is there relation between your name and fortune?
    Fifty thousand girls were called Lena (Лена). Do they all share the same (or even similar) fortune? You must be kidding... :fool"
    Any word carry some er... charge. And more: every name has its meaning. But it only matters if its bearer KNOWS about its meaning.
    Methinks, it works the same way as Zodiac signs. At first, people read or hear that this or that constellation controls at least some parts of their character and, since virtually everyone keeps telling that 'there is at least some truth in that', they start believing themselves (or at least unconsciously trying to conform). The truth is what a man believes to be truth.
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    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Any word carry some er... charge. And more: every name has its meaning. But it only matters if its bearer KNOWS about its meaning.
    Methinks, it works the same way as Zodiac signs. At first, people read or hear that this or that constellation controls at least some parts of their character and, since virtually everyone keeps telling that 'there is at least some truth in that', they start believing themselves (or at least unconsciously trying to conform). The truth is what a man believes to be truth.
    Alright, I agree that would be a mature way of thinking. However, let me take you one step further with a real example. Say, I call myself Crocodile. And I know the meaning of that word. Does that mean that sub-consciously I would grow teeth, develop white muscles, change my colour slightly to the greener side of the palette, etc.? Or, if you'd say those would just be physiological effects, would I be inclined to marry multiple times, eat only once a week, spend more time lying on the beach with my mouth open, etc.?

    PS. I'm willing to discuss Zodiacs as a separate topic. This one is only about the name.

  11. #11
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Say, I call myself Crocodile.
    Well, something made you to pick that nick

    Or, if you'd say those would just be physiological effects, would I be inclined to marry multiple times, eat only once a week, spend more time lying on the beach with my mouth open, etc.?
    Who knows? Maybe you are going to marry for the sixth time and now you are posting messages from the beach with your mouth wide open.

    Or maybe, if people in the real world start calling you a crocodile you would develop in time some crocodilish manners

    PS. I'm willing to discuss Zodiacs as a separate topic. This one is only about the name.
    Well, pick one then )
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  12. #12
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Say, I call myself Crocodile.
    Well, something made you to pick that nick
    Excellent! But that only means the name followed something that made me to pick it up, and not the opposite. Which, I think, is in favour of my point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Or, if you'd say those would just be physiological effects, would I be inclined to marry multiple times, eat only once a week, spend more time lying on the beach with my mouth open, etc.?
    Who knows? Maybe you are going to marry for the sixth time and now you are posting messages from the beach with your mouth wide open.
    And that's why I always like talking to you. Precisely and right to the point!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
    Or maybe, if people in the real world start calling you a crocodile you would develop in time some crocodilish manners
    Хе-хе, too many "maybe" (already two) to make a conclusive opinion. Also, the introduction of "real world" vs. "the virtual world" seems unnecessary complication. (Indeed, if you can learn a language in the virtual world, wouldn't it project itself into the real world? Your post and my answer are both real, unless, of course, we aren't both in the matrix. And you DO call me Crocodile, so, you're saying, let's wait some time until I bite out a part of your avatar picture? )

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    PS. I'm willing to discuss Zodiacs as a separate topic. This one is only about the name.
    Well, pick one then )
    You bet. But, let's first close the deal about names ...

  13. #13
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramil

    So, generally, I agree with the translation "A ship will sail the way you expect it to", but I never mind being a little bit more literal 'A ship will sail the way you name it'
    I like your version! I really do. In fact, I like it more than my own. It is literal and does convey the message. Yea... It takes the good command of the two languages to translate both adequately and impressively.
    Thank you!
    "Меньше малого довольно, чтобы сердце взволновать; больше самого большого надо, чтоб его разбить."
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  14. #14
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    ....Say, I call myself Crocodile. And I know the meaning of that word. Does that mean that sub-consciously I would grow teeth ...
    Well read Crocodile... have you read any Shel Silverstein? Maybe the "Crocodile's Toothache?" How is your dentist these days?

    Oh, and by the way Ramil and others... What happens in my case where my entire name, First and Last (I have no middle name) have been invented or so to speak, made up. They were not real names and have no meaning at all. My first born daughter, her first name was a made up name as well.

    Has fate just set us adrift to wonder aimlessly? Or do we decide where the winds will take us?

    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    ....Say, I call myself Crocodile. And I know the meaning of that word. Does that mean that sub-consciously I would grow teeth ...
    Well read Crocodile... have you read any Shel Silverstein? Maybe the "Crocodile's Toothache?" How is your dentist these days?
    Hehe.. Am I my dentist's keeper?

  16. #16
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Your name & fate

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Quote Originally Posted by Crocodile
    Oh, and by the way Ramil and others... What happens in my case where my entire name, First and Last (I have no middle name) have been invented or so to speak, made up. They were not real names and have no meaning at all. My first born daughter, her first name was a made up name as well.

    Has fate just set us adrift to wonder aimlessly? Or do we decide where the winds will take us?
    There's no such thing as a meaningless name. Every name means something. At least to the person who invents it. )))
    Send me a PM if you need me.

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