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I am corresponding back and forth with universities in Russia, making plans to study there this fall. My plans are proceeding nicely and language is not a barrier for me. However, I have one odd little detail that is bugging me:
Should I be adding an "a" to the end of my last name when I write it in cyrillic letters?
It wouldn't bug me except that my first name, Lindsay, can belong to either a man or a woman. My last name ends in a consonant, so in Russian it is, of course, masculine gendered. So I think maybe people might think I am a man if they only hear from me in writing. But I think it sounds kind of unnatural to add an "a" to my last name - it was eastern European at one time, but when my family moved to the US it was Americanized so badly that you can't tell what nationality it is anymore.
Any advice? What would you do? Do you know what is standard in transliteration?
Thanks so much!