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Thread: Travel companions June 2005

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Travel companions June 2005


    I'm a Finnish Swede (29yo) living and working in Moscow. I've been thinking about taking a week or so of vacation in June to travel around a bit in Russia or nearby republics. Maybe just short trips in the Moscow neighborhood, whatever seems a good idea. I have failed to attract any of my friends to these plans (you know how it is - everyone wants to go in principle but you can tell they won't actually come.) I'm looking for interesting people who may have similar interests and schedules. I speak fluent russian and know my way around so that is not the problem.

    I don't care where you're from as long as you like to travel the same way I do - with low ambitions. I'm curious enough, but I prefer to take in a little more of the local atmosphere and a little less of the sights when I travel. I don't make firm plans.

    I'll be in Georgia 21.-28.5. so don't be discouraged if I dont reply during that period. The black sea, Caucasian mountains, georgian wine, food and mineral water - a good start for the summer! I'd also appreciate any advice from people who've been there.


  2. #2
    Почётный участник
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    IF you want to visit Minsk, I'll be there for three weeks in June.

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