I've lived in Moscow the last seven months and I'm starting to get a bit bored, hence I'm ready to travel again. I'm simply asking for suggestions on other places to visit.
I can't go too far East due to time/money constraints and the fact that I should really be in school instead of traveling (but come on, I'm going to make the best of my time here).
Follows is a list of destinations I plan to hit, please suggest others:
Leningrad (of course, but when, I don't know)
Ekaterinburg (I have to go there to write a piece I was hired for)
Nizhny Novgorod
Voronezh (any reason to go there?)
I'm also planning to visit Minsk (although being an American, perhaps a visa problem?) and Ukraine (Nikolaev, Kiev, Crimean cities). A visit to Baku and Bishkek is also in the works if I can get visas in time and without too much expense.
Suggestions, please, and what is there to see in some of these cities?