Some advice please.
I am travelling to Krasnodar from London in the middle of November, changing at Moscow Sheremetyevo. I have to get from terminal 1 to terminal 2 to catch the second flight. Can anybody give some indication on how to do this?
How far apart are they?
Are they within walking distance; I have 2 hours 30mins between flights?
Will the Moscow weather be bad at that time of the year? I land at 5:30 am and leave for Krasnodar at 8:00. Is it sake to walk at that time in the morning?
Is there a bus or does it have to be a taxi?
How much should the taxi cost? As a foreigner I expect to get ripped off a little, maybe double what a Muscovite would pay but not 10 or 20 times as much.
Next Question.
I have about 7,500 roubles, which I expect to be enough for the first few days but not the whole trip. For the remaining spending money I would prefer to bring English pounds. Is it possible to easily change English pound in a city the size of Krasnodar or is it essential to take either US dollars or Euros?
Last Question (for now)
On the return journey I have just over 4 hour between flights at Sheremetyevo. Is there anywhere worth visiting in the immediate area?