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Thread: Russian course books for Intermediate and Advanced Levels?

  1. #1
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    Russian course books for Intermediate and Advanced Levels?

    I'm an English teacher, and I know of many, many English schools where you can learn English in a classroom setting rather than individual lessons. You can learn English from Beginning to Advanced. You can start at English Level 1, finish it, go on to Level 2, finish it, and then progress to, say, Level 10. And there are coursebooks for these classes which come with lessons about speaking, vocabulary, grammar, writing, reading and listening.

    My level of Russian is, perhaps, Pre-Intermediate, and I'd like to continue studying Russian, but with help from a course book, something like Дорога в Россию. However, Дорога в Россию doesn't go past level 3. Are there any Russian course books, good for a classroom setting, which offer more advanced Russian?
    Leo and Roman_P like this.

  2. #2
    MLC is offline
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    I'm sorry nobody seemed to have got back to you on this subject, as I am learning Russian at home on my own and have been using Colloquial Russian 1. Have found it good in many ways - there are always flaws in any system/book - but overall have found it good and so have now bought Colloquial Russian 2. I would have liked to have known if there was anything better out there - there seems a real dearth of material for this level. It would be good if some of the publishers out there saw this and did something about it!!! If you have found something in the meantime - please post and share
    Kind regards

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    dic is offline
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  4. #4
    MLC is offline
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    Very interesting!!! But not exactly local, nor able to study on my own!! Hope someone finds them useful

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