Здравствуйте. Я учу русский язык уже шесть месяцев.

I am trying to learn a little Russian before I go to university. I want to study Russian at Uni. We don't need to know any at all before we get there however I thought it would be helpful to know some as I am very interested in the language. However, I am more or less teaching myself out of a few books - I have a Russian book which will get me to "A level" standard, a Russian verb book and a fairly comprehensive dictionary. Are there any other books that anyone can recommend to me; for example, one more like how you would learn a language at school, like we learn French or German? I would be grateful if someone would be interested in regular correspondence in Russian in order to improve my reading and writing? If there are any "Germanists" out there, then I can help you with that too.

Большое спасибо за помощь
Джек Бони