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Thread: New Member: Pimsleur 1-3

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
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    New Member: Pimsleur 1-3

    Hey everyone. Just wanted to say hi cause im new to the forums. For a while iv wanted to learn to speak Russian so iv gotten the Pimsleur lessons and will be getting into it.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has used Pimsleur to learn a bit of Russian? I understand it wont make me "Fluent" but im hoping to learn a little bit and then possibly find a Tutor in my area. Maybe even get some help over the net a bit later on.

    Anyway, Good to be on the forums. nice to meet everyone (In Advance.)

    JoshAussie (Australia. ><)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
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    Re: New Member: Pimsleur 1-3

    Quote Originally Posted by JoshAussie
    Hey everyone. Just wanted to say hi cause im new to the forums. For a while iv wanted to learn to speak Russian so iv gotten the Pimsleur lessons and will be getting into it.

    I was just wondering if anyone else has used Pimsleur to learn a bit of Russian? I understand it wont make me "Fluent" but im hoping to learn a little bit and then possibly find a Tutor in my area. Maybe even get some help over the net a bit later on.

    Anyway, Good to be on the forums. nice to meet everyone (In Advance.)

    JoshAussie (Australia. ><)
    It depends what you want to learn. Pimsleur will only teach you spoken converstational Russian, based on formulaic memorised phrases.

    If you want to to read and write Russian you will need a different course.
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  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    You can have a look in this section to all the other topics about Pimsleur and other methods for beginners.
    Excuse my english, I’m French.

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