I have 2 books, they are rather simple and for people that want to visit Russia. They helped me with seasonal workers on Cape Cod though...
They are
1, "RUSSIAN, in 10 minutes a day", Bilingual Books Inc.,
I bought with a friend from Belarus in Hyannis, Ma, USA

2, " Learn RUSSIAN the Fast and Fun Way" Barron's Educational Series, Inc.
Gift from brother living in Washington, DC, USA

Bi-ling has a few neat things, like flash-cards and stickers that I have all over my house, Barron's is more for a business traveler. #1 has tips from my Belarusian friend, #2 has tips from my Russian friend scrawled in.

#2 has a small Russian-English English-Russian dictionary in the back, #1 has more on "how to tip" and a Russian-English dictionary.