My friend and I started the college Russian 101 this semester and just barely have had time to get together to study. When we finally got together, we had trouble finding the best way to study in a pair. Should we just go through each page of the book?

We know our alphabet. We need to work on vocabulary and pronounciation. We have the Golosa book and CDs. I have found the Cd's a little hard to focus on the vocabulary since it spends so much time on conjugation. But if we just go through the book then we have no clue if what we are saying is right. For several words we don't even know where the syllables breaks are for many words.

Any recomendations? Also Merriam-Webster's webpage has the audio pronounciation for words. Is there any online Russian dictionary that does this? I think I could fumble around the Russian enough to be able to use it, if there is such a site.