Привет всем!

I've come a long way since May when I first started learning russian grammatically and vocabulary wise as well. But there's a problem I face. I got this book Russian: A self teaching guide by Kathryn Szcepanska and I've been going it at for weeks. She tells me the noun endings for both singular and plural and the adjectives endings for both singular and plural at the beginning when learning a new case. I've just started dative case today, and it's pretty easy, but I keep confusing some of the endings. Same thing with the prepositional case, I consistently mix up and forget the endings. And the author doesn't even give me excercises where I have to change the nouns into their correct form! I'm going nuts over this, because I'm screwing up my endings. Gah!!!!

For example:

Prepositional case: Большой

I'm likely to say ," Я убил мужчину в большом хате." instead of ,"Я убил мужчину в большой хате."

And I have to spend like 10 minutes trying to decide what ending to use!!!

Is there any awesome ways to fix this?