You guys have all been very helpfull. I don't know where I would have been without your help. Probably combing libraries and book stores fruitlessly for hours on end for the info I need no doubt. Lol. :P
I want so bad to be able to speak russian... but it's going incredibly slow... I know these things take time... but everything I try to learn I can never remember. I've always kind of been like that though. Oh well... I'm sure I'll learn somehow. Heh.
My boyfriend, Said (pronounced Sigh-eed) has a unique background. He was born in Afgahnistan, then moved to russia years later. So he speaks primarily russian. He also speaks 5 languages, but that includes Russian. I've been contemplating learning Hindi and Urdu, which would both be considered his native languages. Also, I've been thinking of learning Arabic and Hebrew. Those two languages I've just always found fascinating.
Since I've been with him I've been ovecome by this incredible thirst for learning that I've never had before. It's great! Before him I just didn't care. I pretty much just did whatever with out concern for where I was going. But now I feel as though I can see the path I walk beneath my feet. I know that sounds cheesey, but I honestly don't know how else to describe this amazing feeling that this man has instilled within me. But you guys are probably gagging right now on the over-sweetness, so I suppose I can stop my rambling about now. Thanx for sitting through it. Now it's off to bed in a bit so I can get up early and buy the new Harry Potter book! WOOOOHOOOO! :D
P.S: Yeah.. in case I didn't mention it before... I can be a bit of a dork! And before u ask... I'm 25! Not 11... like how I just acted with the book thing... lol. :lol: