Hello, my name is David and I am a 19 year old college student living in Odessa Texas in the USA. I took Latin in high school, but did not retain much at all except for the history, I am a huge history fan. I know a bit of Spanish, I understand much more than I speak however and can barely write the language at all.

I 'started' learning Russian about 3 months ago, but many things distracted me and I'm just now getting back into it. I have forgotten nearly everything I learned, which admittedly was not much, however I have found the books I bought back then and was wondering what everyone thought of them as learning aids.

I have the New Penguin Russian Course, and Living Language: Russian. So far I think the New Penguin is much better, I am focusing mainly on the written language for now.

This looks like a great forum to meet people and learn about the Russian language and culture. I plan to stick around and learn as much as I can