Привет всем!

I have been noting down miscillaneous gaps in my understanding as they've appeared over the previous week.

1. The case use for the possessives in the following sentences is confusing me.

* А что случилось с его чрезвычайной коммиссей?
* Когда я буду в Москве, я позвоню его сестре.
* В течение этого времени я думал о моём друге Владимире.

In the first example, the possessive is nominitive.
In the second example, the possessive is accusative.
In the third example, the possessive is prepositional.

Why, in the first example, is the possessive not instrumental? i.e. Why does it not agree with "c"?
Why, in the second example, is the possessive not dative? i.e. Why does it not agree with "позвоню" or "сестрe"?
Why, in the third example, is the possessive prepositional? i.e. Why does it agree with "о"?

А что случилось с его чрезвычайной коммиссей? [c + instrumental. Possessive is not instrumental]
В течение этого времени я думал о моём друге Владимире. [o + prepositional. Possessive is prepositional]
Why is the possessive agreeing with the preposition in the third example but not in the first?

2. Which, if any, of the following groups of words are interchangable synonyms and what is the difference in usage between the ones than aren't?

a) "должно быть"; "Наверное"
b) "Причина"; "Повод"
c) "Надо"; "Нужно"; "Должен/Должн-а/о/ы"
d) "За"; "Для"
e) "Нельзя"; "Возможно"
f) "Давно"; "Долго"; "Долгое время"
g) "Потом"; "Затем"; "Тогда"; "То"
h) "Как раз"; "Точно"
i) "Всё-таки"; "Всё равно"

Many thanks.