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Thread: Best free online material and software for learning Russian

  1. #1
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    Best free online material and software for learning Russian

    Besides this site.

  2. #2
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    My dear delopio, how I despise posts that are comprised of a title and then a short little end to the sentence in the title! It's rather terrible style. I've taken the opportunity to rewrite your post for you. Otherwise noone would answer your post because they'd all be taken aback by your rudeness. Well, except Friendy. She's like Jesus or something.

    Post subject: Gentleman has interest in computer resources for self-study of Russian
    My most esteemed and beloved fellow forum-users,

    Although I've already quite thoroughly perused previous threads on these forums regarding websites for learning Russian, during my regular morning promenade, my innate curiosity did not cease to tug at me, and I wondered if perhaps there was some secret Russian-learning site out there that was being treacherously hidden from me. Would any of you fine gentlemen be aware of a good site for learning Russian that hasn't already been mentioned in countless other posts in this forum?

    Oh, and before I forget, dear me, I must make one more inquiry, my most esteemed fellow forum-users. Being quite aware that all existing computer software for learning foreign languages is, quite frankly, codswollop(or "codswobble", as some of us would say) and able to quite unreservedly declare that language learning through computer software is inadequate at best, I most humbly request that you, dear fellow forum-users, to the best of your knowledge, enlighten me of the existence of some other computer software of this sort which I was not able to stumble across in my pre-post research.

    Gentlemanly yours,

  3. #3
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    Would any of you fine gentlemen be aware of a good site for learning Russian that hasn't already been mentioned in countless other posts in this forum?

    ummm, i dont know about everybody else, but i'm not a gentleman...

  4. #4
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    15 dont think the Navy is that gay do you, pravit?

  5. #5
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    14 dont think the Navy is that gay do you, pravit?
    it's too bad i'm not as overly intellegent as pravit cause i'd have a really good comeback for that if i was...alas, we cant all be geniuses can we...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death-NZ dont think the Navy is that gay do you, pravit?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death-NZ dont think the Navy is that gay do you, pravit?
    My dearie Mr. Angel-of-Death-NZ, what the hell does any of this have to do with the Navy, for goodness sake? When I think of the Navy, I think of young intense-faced men sitting in darkened rooms looking at bright screens and pushing buttons and saying things like "Def-Con 3 Alert Activate!" What, pray tell, does that(however exciting it may be) have to do with a rather ungentlemanly young character who doesn't know the proper way to ask for help?

    (By the way, you seem to have trouble understanding the role of sarcasm in humor, Angel-of-Death).

    @SailorLover19: I believe Angel-of-Death is so hyped up about joining the Navy he can't help but mumble about it in irrelevant posts. But it remains - he is going to be a young sailor! You know, I think you two would be very good together. I can't stand sailors myself, though - they've got no sense of humor.

    it's too bad i'm not as overly intellegent as pravit cause i'd have a really good comeback for that if i was...alas, we cant all be geniuses can we...
    My dear Sailor Lover19, you don't need to be a genius to write a post mocking somebody in pretentious English(and I'm certainly not one). In fact, I have the feeling now that somebody with far superior English skills(such as Joysof) will come along, and, sparked by this little comment of mine, declare: "You think that's pretentious? Hah! I double-pretentious you!" and then proceed to, in a most shocking manner, one-up me. As for overly intelligent, lass, I'm but a fool who enjoys poking fun at other fools.

    @Lindzi: Rather well put, dear! You are indeed a lady!

  8. #8
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    well, i apologize for my feebleminded comments. and i do appreciate your awe-inspiring humor and your sense of humility. happy mocking...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    @Lindzi: Rather well put, dear! You are indeed a lady!
    A picture is worth a thousand words. It's worth more words if one of the guys in the picture is wearing a faux feather headdress.

  10. #10
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    i said that thing about the navy because the name of the new member is "SailorLover"...and if SailorLover was a male...then that be weird, because most sailors are males...and if a male loves a sailor, then its called homosexuality. so my post was not irrevelant.

  11. #11
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    now, now angel, i can call u angel, right? now, now. no need to get defensive, no one was calling u a homosexual. *pats angel on the head* anyway, if Pravit has to degrade others comments to gain the attention he needs, well, then i say we should be accomodating to his wishes. oh, and btw, my name's Lisa, hopefully that tells u whether or not i'm a guy. good day to you all...

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death-NZ
    so my post was not irrevelant.
    All of your posts are irrelevant.
    А если отнять еще одну?

  13. #13
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    except this very one <------

  14. #14
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    Pravit , is it a rule that all forums come equiped with a jackass such as yourself? Can you just answer a question without trying to sound intelectual? I bet you are the type of person that excels at a lot of things, and becomes profiecient quickly and then hang back with the new pepole to show off your superior prowess due to your social ineptness. Don't worry fella I can tell from the posts of other members that they all see through you. The problem is, can you get your nose out of that thesaurus long enough to see that for yourself.
    In short it is a terrible thing when people come to these forums for reasons of interest and they encounter peapole that have nothing real useful to add other than redicule and belittlement.
    you Jack ass.

  15. #15
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    Dear Mr. DevilFromIndy,

    There is such a thing known as "humor" and "sarcasm" which a lot of you Americans don't seem to be able to understand. You see, it is one thing to try to look smart, and another thing to write in silly English for humor purposes(might I mention that later on I stated specifically that I was writing like a stuck-up idiot for humor purposes, buddy). It's also funny you think someone would need a thesaurus to write my posts. Get Joysof or somebody else over here and he'll write something that makes me look like a piddling fool.

    Now, my dear, the reason I didn't answer his post in a very straight manner is because there are countless other posts on this forum about computer software for Russian. In fact, if you would just go back to the "Getting Started with Russian" page and scroll down a little bit, you will find a couple threads about it. I could have easily written something like this:

    Hi delopio.
    There isn't any good computer software for learning Russian. All the free websites about learning Russian are crap. And we have already discussed this topic about a hundred times so kindly use the "search" function provided with the forum.
    But it's bland and I think a post should be something fun to read. And if you'll read my post, you'll see I actually did answer his question. Refer to previous posts of mine that answer other questions, and you'll see I'm very direct about answering questions(but it's much more boring that way).

    As for "hanging back with the new people" I might remind you that this forum is here for new people. More experienced people will answer new people's questions, and when they become more experienced, they answer other people's questions. It's not as if there are two groups on MR, one composed of new people and then an exclusive circle of elite members who only talk amongst themselves.

    Now, Mr. Doesn't-understand-humor, whether you're visiting this forum for "reasons of interest" or if you are actually Mr. DeLopio himself under another name, I kindly urge you not to get so angry and flamed up about things people you don't know write on a forum you've visited for the first time. You see, there are a lot of things on the internet that can make you mad, and sometimes it's best not to take everything so seriously.

    Gentlemanly yours,
    Prince of Somalia

  16. #16
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    Re: Question?

    Quote Originally Posted by devilfromindy
    Pravit , is it a rule that all forums come equiped with a jackass such as yourself? Can you just answer a question without trying to sound intelectual? I bet you are the type of person that excels at a lot of things, and becomes profiecient quickly and then hang back with the new pepole to show off your superior prowess due to your social ineptness. Don't worry fella I can tell from the posts of other members that they all see through you. The problem is, can you get your nose out of that thesaurus long enough to see that for yourself.
    In short it is a terrible thing when people come to these forums for reasons of interest and they encounter peapole that have nothing real useful to add other than redicule and belittlement.
    you Jack ass.
    a)Pravit is awesome.
    b)Pravit is awesome.
    c)His post in this thread was obviously meant to be funny. In my opinion, it was.
    d)Go back and read some of Pravit's other posts and you will hopefully also realise that Pravit is awesome.

  17. #17
    JB is offline
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    Whoa! Indy must be a tough town. This guy's seriously in need of anger management
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pravit
    As for "hanging back with the new people" I might remind you that this forum is here for new people. More experienced people will answer new people's questions, and when they become more experienced, they answer other people's questions. It's not as if there are two groups on MR, one composed of new people and then an exclusive circle of elite members who only talk amongst themselves.
    Damn Damn DAMN DAMN DAMN !

    You mean I've been wasting my time these last months??

    Well, just in case that was another piece of fiendish sarcastic subterfuge, I'll now write the second installment of кровь..
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  19. #19
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    One well-deserved and heart-felt "" to you, my good man Pravit! Blast you last-minute family outings to bungalow parks that cause me to miss all the goodness!
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  20. #20
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    Lindzi: d00d, i <3 yu0.
    P.S. You are such a sexy cousin.

    Waxwing: Alas, this string of witty sarcasm and things that could possibly be sarcasm has stumped even me. What do you mean you wasted a lot of time?

    Jasper: I love the word "bungalow." It's too bad we don't use it in America.

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