Hi all,

Just signed up and hoping for some advice, maybe from someone who has been in a similar situation and has overcome the problem.

I guess the root of my problem is laziness combined with no ability for langauges.

I'm living in Russia (im English), with a Russian wife, and work with Russian people. You'd think it would be easy for me but unfortunatly everyone speaks English to me because they then get to practice their English. My wife is too impatient with me to speak Russian (and she has very good English). And frankly i find sitting down with a study book mind bogglingly boring. I was never particularly good with Languages in general having quit learning French at school as soon as i could, tried German for a month and actually failed English Language at school, although most people from UK would probably consider this very difficult to do (did well in all other exams though).

I think another problem is i am very technically minded and always looking for the 'rules' and 'structure'. And i think this is killing me with Russian because while there are rules and structure theres no bloody logic to it. eg: in english to pluarlise a word you add S (or ES, but sounds similar). In Russian its changing depending on gender, and tense and sheer bloody mindedness.

Ok, maybe im a little frustrated with it but i need to get beyond the point of being able to buy beer and cigs, and telling people "ya gavaroo ochen ploxho parusski", being my limit. Ive been in Russia now for 5 months and i was told by 6 months most people (even taking it easy) can hold a basic conversation. People tell me a word and within approx 5 seconds ive forgotten it. (by 2 seconds im already mis-pronouncing it!)

So, please, anyone with suggestions, learning techniques that worked for them, please let me know.

PS: money isnt very good for the moment, so expensive books (esp: ordering over internet as dont have credit card), or paying for private tutor are no good. Also the Uni here only aparently runs courses during the day and thats when im at work so not very good either.