ClustrMaps - map of visitor locations - zoom map
Для нас было бы бесплатно.Только не совсем понятно было бы кликабл, если бесплатно.
Вроде да.
ClustrMaps - map of visitor locations - zoom map
Для нас было бы бесплатно.Только не совсем понятно было бы кликабл, если бесплатно.
Вроде да.
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
That's a nice idea.
I think that if you've got something like Google Analytics plugged in at the back end, you already have that functionality which you can switch on in pie chart form. There are many other options if you don't like Google. You already have the data, raw - the server collects it. So it's just a matter of how you want to present it.So check out the options.... Fore example, it's possible that Yandex also offers the same functionality, or third party developers. By searching for Vbulletin visitor map, you can find it. Whatever way you do it, it's cool and interesting to see![]()
I think it's interesting when people from Africa, South America and the Middle East turn up in the forum. I think perhaps there may be more of them visiting than we know. Also Russia and the ex USSR is a big area. It would be cool to see if there are participants from Magadan or some exotic part of Central Asia, for example.
However - a lot of us techies don't share our correct IP address online and show up as coming from a neighbouring country. Lol. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case with some here. But it's really only geeky, slightly paranoid people who do that.
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