[May be a bayan, but I've enjoyed this one]
I'll gnaw like a wolf any бюрократизм,
To mandates respecta нету!
To Hell and its mother with high speed катись
Any tipe of бумажка, but Эту...
On the long hallway of the INS
Чиновник arrogant движется.
Everyone готов to kiss his ass
For f...ing синюю книжицу.
To some of the applicants smile у рта,
To some couldn't care less.
With respect they take, например, паспорта
From oily islamic mess.
With starring eyes подателя выев,
Склоняя neck lower яйцев,
They take applications, где есть чаевые:
From Hindu, и from китайцев.
On Polish and Baltic they look как коза,
In fear выпяливают глаза in dull bureaucratic слоновости:
Where are you, мол, from, and what kind of geographic новости!
Without turning the head кочан.
And not single feeling изведав,
Анкеты they take киевлян и минчан,
And also from муджахедов.
Suddenly словно концом thаt was wrong
Засунув в рот сигарету,
Запрыгал чиновник as he was King Kong,
As soon as he took my анкету.
He takes it like bomb, как a knife or an ax,
Like the blade, or like walrus's хер!
He prefers me to be a bum or a "mex",
Then to be a PC инженер!
He would send me back, хучь в Москву хоть в Вятку,
And высек бы коли мог.
Вecause я не дам этой гадине взятку,
I will just pay стране налог!...
I'll gnaw like a wolf any бюрократизм,
To mandates respecta нету!
To Hell and its mother with high speed катись
Any tipe of бумажка, but Эту...
Я бы достал from pants из-под низу
Something hard, чтоб вдолбить the dummy on power пне:
Converting to Greencard my H1 визу
Is useful for me and for his СТРАНЕ!!!