1) BTW, I do not know what is СЛР, and I am not sure Russian people understand it.
Since she works in a first-aid station, I would guess that СЛР is meant to be a translation of English "CPR" (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation).

Aha, found it on wikipedia: Сердечно-лёгочная реанимация -- is there a more common name for this in Russian?

By the way, in some old Soviet movies -- and also some old American ones -- I've seen a form of "искусственное дыхание" in which the victim's arms are simply moved up and down. So it was very different from the more modern "CPR" method in which the rescuer сильно нажимает на грудь жертвы (if that's the right expression) and the дыхание is performed "рот к рту".