I was working with my pronunciation software and came to this word. According to both the audio-file and the sound-graph it has a noticeable gap between от and точенный -- as if they were two distinct words. Can anyone explain what's going on here?
I was working with my pronunciation software and came to this word. According to both the audio-file and the sound-graph it has a noticeable gap between от and точенный -- as if they were two distinct words. Can anyone explain what's going on here?
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
It is probably a "long T" that is, the sound starts, then continues in silence,since the vocal chords are inactive, until the next vowel starts.
In English we have zillions of doubled consonants where we pronounce a single one. Not so in every language. Arabic and Russian have double consonants that are pronounced long. Next time you hear Arabic being spoken on the radio, you are likely to hear /s
Когда я отпою и отыграю,
Чем кончу я, на чём - не угадать.
Но лишь одно наверняка я знаю:
Мне будет не хотеться умирать!
Посажен на литую цепь почёта,
И звенья славы мне не по зубам...
Зй, кто стучит в дубовые ворота
Костяшками по кованым скобам!..
Ответа нет,- но там стоят, я знаю,
Кому не так страшны цепные псы.
Но вот над изгородью замечаю
Знакомый серп отточенной косы...
Я перетру серебряный ошейник
И золотую цепь перегрызу,
Перемахну забор, ворвусь в репейник,
Порву бока - и выбегу в грозу!
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
Your отдам explanation was really helpful Chaika -- and Lampada's recording confirms it. Thanks guys!
Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.
In Russian as in many other languages, there is no difference in pronunciation of the following two cases:Originally Posted by Бармалей
<prefix>+<radix>: от+точенный
<preposition>+<name>: от точного (места, источника, ..)
Thus, it is natural отточенный to seem to us as if they were two distinct words. Actually, word boundaries are not natural for the language (I mean Slavic languages, Latin, Greek, eg).
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