[quote=chaika]Лампада, Jeez, not you too! No, there is no vowel sound between Г and Д. I have seen hundreds of transcriptions of this word from dozens of dialects and the literary language, and NOT ONE of them has even the suggestion of a vowel between Г and Д. Native speakers, not Americanized Russians.

Just because we don't have it in English in initial position means you have to mangle Russian to say a simple word. How do you pronounce когда with a vowel between the г and д?? If anything, just drop the damn г in speech—— Де моя бутылка??

I hope you are not wanting to put a vowel after the first consonant in Мстислав or храбрый or тлеть because just we don't have words that start with consonants like that either!!

I am frustrated with this kind of question. Read your grammar book, listen to the tape/CD. Believe what the author writes. In this case there is only one vowel in где. If there is something strange happening, the author will let you know, like for ex. легко is pronounced as if if were лихк